What did J J Abrams mean by this?

>They come
>They fight
>They destroy
>They corrupt

Was le evil man in black just an antisemite BTFO'd with facts and logic by the righteous and glorious Jacob (Israel)?

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They literally admitted they made that shit up episode to episode and had ZERO idea where they were going with the plot, the concept, anything.

And what is the movie or context this was used? Reads like your average b movie garbage.

2004 tv show Lost
directed/created/whatever by the one and only Jew Jew Abrams
I have to admit it was pretty comfy at the time. Sharing theories online as the new episodes were coming out and all that.

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This was the final seasons of LOST, a tv series in the early 2000s involving people crash landing on an island and trying to survive in a Lord of the flies type scenario.

The story started off good just focusing on the dynamics of the people that crash landed on the island forming rudimentary tribes and just trying to forage/survive.

Then they ran out of plot so they made up some natives to the island... That are actually scientists from the 70s conducting wierd experiments on the island.. because the island... Is magnetic inside somehow... And the magnet can cause time travel... And... People have been getting lost on the island for thousands of years... And the first two people to get lost somehow became god-like immortal ghosts that 'haunt' the island... That are diametrically opposed brothers like God and the devil.... And then they go back in time to before their plane crashed on the island

And then their dead. They're all dead okay. It's over. It's done. We don't talk about it. The end.

Basically the whole series was Jack's death dream.

I never thought the two dudes were original victems. I thought they were cheesy personifications of good/evil, god/devil but in cooler manner.

Oh well, show sucked after season 3.

The forums during the shows heyday were pretty comfy. Lots of tinfoil/schizo tier show theories emerged. Lots of memes.

I miss those days.

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Except for the "they fight" line, it's a pretty close description of kikes. Doesn't seem that farfetched to me that they were trying to imprint in the villain some kind of cynicism against kikes, while the good guy remains hopeful and optimistic about their good character deep inside.

I think the Dharma thing was pretty cool, at least before they started messing up with time travel and all this shit. But the whole scientists researching electromagnetic anomaly and mysteriously disappearing, all in a 70s aesthetic and supported by a bunch of internet ARGs was pretty cool in my opinion.

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No the show takes places in purgatory. They went on the island and died and the whole show is all their shared death experience.

But yeah the last seasons are mostly shit.

Your right I was misremembering.

In the centre of this island there is a cave that is glowing where the 'magic' comes from?!

An ancient Greek/roman mom gives birth to two sons on this island somehow, the mom is promptly killed by another lady on this island and the two kids are stolen and raised as her own. The lady that stole the kids is somehow supernatural, witch of sorts and blesses both kids with immortality and inability to ever hurt each other.

Over time the 'witch' is raising her kids alone on the island. Eventually people get shipwrecked on the island, these people appear to be from the middle ages, they bring with them new technology including a rudimentary understanding of metals and thus the magnetic properties of the island.

The mother tells her kids to never go near those people because they are evil.

One kid listens to the mom (the blonde guy in the image) the other kid tells mom to fuck off and goes to live with them and learn their ways.

That kid then starts to build instruments to 'harness' the magnetic energy on the island. The Mom is terrifed about this and attacks him? Stops him from building whatever he was building I forget.

He then loses his shit and kills his 'Mom'. He knows now she isn't actually her mom and that she killed their real mom.

The blonde momma's boy, then goes apeshit at his brother for killing their mom but can't actually kill him. (Because they are cursed to never be able to hurt each other). So he instead throws him into the 'well of magnetic energy's in the middle of the island. This then makes his brother... Some form of demonic pillar of 'mechanical' smoke that haunts the island forever more.

His life goal is to take revenge on his brother by tricking everyone else to ever come into the island to kill his brother. (Because he can't do it)...

His brother's goal is to create a functioning peaceful society on the island.

People who think they were dead the whole time are brainlets.

it's all just schizo babble

Yeah just some things, these middle ages people were the boys' real mom's own people (Romans). The mother (then pregnant of the twins) got separated of the rest of the group and the witch delivered the babies before killing her.
The artifact Jacob's brother (unnamed in the show, I call him Esau) was creating was a wheel he would use to escape the island. The wheel is later used by Locke (Esau in Locke's body IIRC?) to leave the island. Also I think discovering the wheel in some electromagnetic pocket shenanigans and then drilling for it was what killed the Dharma scientists, wasn't it?

There are some parallels with Eden's garden and Men's curiosity towards knowledge, I don't know... Last 2 seasons they just went full autism and injected one billion references to like every religion ever existed, by the way in the last episode they literally go to a church full of symbols/logos of the greatest religions, some pretty gay ecumenical shit

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I'll explain it for you.

MiB (or 'Esau') in this scene is already inhabited by the 'malevolence' (black smoke monster)... basically he represents a belief that PEOPLE, HUMANS are worthless and contemptible, incapable of positive change, etc. Jacob on the other hand represents 'destiny' in a sense (he is depicted earlier in the scene as 'weaving' threads of some material into a larger pattern), but he also sort of represents a more positive hope that the suffering and struggle people go through is ultimately worthwhile and meaningful - he basically represents the 'spiritual' positiveness that characterised the series - especially the earlier seasons which focused a lot more on people being 'redeemed' through facing their past and taking responsibility, or as Benjamin Linus says in the epilogue "I can't change the past, I can only take RESPONSIBILITY for it".

Both of them are playing a sort of 'chess game' according to a set of rules, where Jacob somehow has the ability to 'nudge' various people from outside of the Island into a destiny or path of ending up on the Island as a 'candidate' or chess piece in this game against MiB\Esau. This game takes place over thousands of years but Jacob is playing the long game and ultimately knows how to outplay MiB\Esau.

In some ways the 'frozen donkey wheel' represents the "wheel of fortune", Mib\Esau hopes to use it to manipulate people into doing his bidding, and he NEEDS manipulable people - this is why MiB\Esau kills Ecko when Ecko 'confesses' to the Smoke Monster that he is proud for trying to live to defend his brother, rather than submitting to religious manipulation... while Locke is desperate to believe and ultimately gets manipulated through time shenanigans into serving (or becoming inhabited by) MiB\Esau.

dharma was real

Dude, JJ Abram LITERALLY said they made it up as they went along.

All of this you're saying, is all in your dead.

It's like that famous lecture where a professor told about Kirk Vonnegut's intentions in one of his books. And Kirk was in the audience, stood up and told them he hadn't thought of any of that when writing it.

If you knew anything about the series you'd know that JJ Abrams involvement in the series was MINIMAL, he was involved in directing maybe two episodes in the entire series, he was literally brought on for his name only. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were the main head writers and the main people involved in the series going through, and yes it was just a TV show... it's not from God, it's not the most sophisticated production in history, it's not the Iliad, but the writers did incorporate some symbolism, ideas, and meaning at certain points in the show - the Esau\MiB and Jacob mythology stuff was mostly brought in at the end, but this mythology itself refers back to the core value of the series - the series is about 'redemption' and overcoming the past and growing up.


Thanks, user. Yeah, obviously I know it meant to be about humans in general, it's just in hindsight that particular expression hits pretty close to home to what antisemites think about jews. I wanted Any Forums to stir a conversation about that with this lens.

I always hated this
>dude the author said it's nothing just ignore it
At least on other works of fiction.
Don't know about this case though but it's still pretty cringe

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You'll never really get any true anti-semitism explored in mass media, the entire industry is rife with Jews. As I said above, they needed to bring JJ Abrams (a Jew, any not all that talented in my opinion) on just for his name and clout alone to get the series done, he didn't even really have to contribute anything... just be a jew, so I wouldn't expect to ever see any meaningful exploration of this in TV.

There are a lot of references to Israelites (which Jews claim to be descended from), though. When 'The Others' move around for example you'll notice one of their musical motifs seems to have aspects reminiscent of the Fargo theme or other 'Exodus' or 'Israelitish' type musical motifs... they follow 'Jacob' (which literally means Israel) and as we find out are ultimately following a 'dead religion' where their leader Benjamin hasn't even met Jacob. This is a sort of Christian theme, that the 'Jews' are following a dead religion while Christians are the true 'elect' - and this is what the Losties are depicted as, they are the "candidates", and at least one of them - CHRISTIAN SHEPHARD (all in the name) is the truly chosen one who sort of saves the Island. There are so many references to the Old Testament too, 'Moriah Wineries' for example is the wine produced by Desmonds monk order thing he joins, Moriah being the mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac - child sacrifice is a huge theme here too, Locke's dad 'sacrificing' him selfishly, Daniel is sacrificed by his mother as part of the time-loop, etc.

Fuck, that's it. I'm watching this shit again.
Picrel was one of the best things I ever watched form mainstream/pop culture.

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Be Me
Predicted the ending during the first episode
Still had to watch every episode
The ending comes and proves me right
Several years wasted

Try Arcane too, not as good as LOST and not really got the spiritual aspects, but it's the best series I've seen since LOST.

I have a whole folder of those videos, btw. You can look up these titles in picrel on Youtube if they're still alive.


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Just to clarify, I meant to suggest they did use antisemitism only to shame it, not to subliminally promote it or anything. That's why the "antisemite" in this case would be MiB, the "bad guy".

"predicting" the last 5 seconds would be a reference to the first 5 ones is not "predicting the ending" but congratulations i guess...

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