Give it to me straight

Give it to me straight.

Does Russia have a chance at taking Kharkiv?

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Russia has shown they're incapable of taking and actually holding cities, they could just flatten it, but if they flatten every city in Ukraine they still have to rebuild it which they naturally don't want to do, no matter what they do here they're kinda fucked by it.

Come and take it

when it's all over, Ukraine will just balkanize like Yugoslavia did many years ago.
This keeps happening as a subtle warning to the US. Much like the tiki torches in the color revolutions over there, the plan is for that to happen here.

Prolly will be like this at the end

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>Does Russia have a chance at taking Kharkiv?

What Kharkiv? Where? It's just empty place. Ukraine is just fucking desert..

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>Russia has shown they're incapable of taking and actually holding cities

Azov-chan, you're still alive after the clean up operation in Mariopol?

Omg, it’s the ghost of kyiv

чo мнe к тeбe идти. пoceвнyю хoхлocтaн в этoм гoдy yжe пpoeбaл, тaк чтo ты дypaк caм нa кoлeнях пpипoлзeшь зa pyccкoй гyмaнитapкoй, кoгдa пocлeдних coбaк в гopoдe дoeшь.

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They don't need it
Russia is using a great series of faints while it fortifies the south east the true goal all along
They will keep that and only that

there's nothing left of mariopol, they had to flatten the city to take a rubble pile is my point, they won't be able to take an intact city without reducing each and every last one of them to ash like they did with mariopol.

And yes.

Dude, you're not getting back territory you don't currently occupy-- to suggest you will or should is both insulting and counterproductive. Get lucid.

>Russia can't take cities
>Ok they can take cities but they're destroyed


>Ok they can take cities and damage is limited to less than 5% of buildings but civilian casualties are high
>Ok they can take cities and damage is limited to less than 5% of buildings and civilian casualties are less than 1/20th of the civilian casualties compared to Fallujah but they can't do it again
>Ok they did it again
>Ok they've taken all of eastern Ukraine but can't take the west
>Ok they took of Ukraine but the global famine won't kill more than 10 million Americans

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Zelenskyy will bend the knee or be destroyed

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Why should I care

No, the entire northern front is obviously a failure. They have taken nothing, will ultimately take nothing, and should refocus on the south where they seem to be making actual progress.

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I accept your humiliating concession of defeat

Yes, but once the close the donbass cauldron

>should refocus on the south where they seem to be making actual progress.
they cant just "refocus" on the south they have a ton of shit deployed in the north. should they turn everything around and drive out of ukrain and pack up into trains and redeploy to the south?

Based defender