Why are Women all so Vapid and Slow

All they want to talk about is their life stories, drama, and what books and stuff like like. I don't want a girl who wants to be some dumb normie, I want a woman who can talk with me about the Roman Empire and explain shifting global and economic trends and knows why the West is demographically doomed. Is that too much to ask?

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>too much to ask


Men throughout history have never talked to women about any of this stuff.
If you want to have conversations with women about politics you are likely a low key feminist or at least a feminist enabler.
A woman shouldn't even know about those things, she should be pregnant and in the kitchen or laundry room.

You want a hot tomboy nerd gf. They're as rare as hens' teeth and horses' toes.

Here I am and I just want a comfortable and calm, woman. A woman who can give me a well needed and warm hug, a well needed and warm smile, a well beyond "needed" sincerity! I have had enough of being a stonecold man, I want some warmth for I am too cold at this point and I am about to break apart.

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Stop trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Women aren't for deep thinking. You should learn to appreciate their simplicity a little more even if it's frustrating at times.

>mommy, why are women such stupid cunts?
>ask your father, dear, he'll explain it all to you.

> Women who can talk about stuff like that
Find a jewish or asian woman with borderline personality disorder and 130+ IQ, they will be batshit crazy, will cuck you , will have drug problem etc.

I'm phonefagging rn, but maybe someone can dig up Robert Graves's essay on what a real woman should be like. He nailed it. Funny thing is, though, he himself was a super simp for an ugly Jewish bitch. Some people have wisdom in their heads but can't IRL it.

Yeah that doesn't exist. The best hope you have is finding a normal girl and slowly red pilling her.

> Is that too much to ask?

Yes. Women have always been this stupid.


Stunning and brave

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They do... but they are batshit jew and asian broads with bpd and terrible drug problems. When god gives a woman a mind capable of truly independent reasoning (and none of these women are gentile whites) she is also cursed with madness...

Would it be possible to have high-IQ people who aren't neurotic, autistic, or psychopathic? Who are healthy, sociable, and empathic as well as brilliant? Or is that an impossible combination?

Women's brains are scientifically proven to be made up of fewer synapses with fewer connections. Is it genetic or a result of how we treat women? I wonder. Maybe the brain does not develop as much because of their life on easy mode, but maybe there's a biological limit to what they can achieve mentally too, like the obvious physical ones.

It all comes down to the upbringing. No strong alpha male, no brilliant and social kid.

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>A Real Woman by Robert Graves

"A real woman, by my definition, neither despises nor worships men, but is proud not to have been born a man, does everything she can to avoid thinking of acting like one, knows the full extent of her powers, and feels free to reject all arbitrary man-made obligations.

She is her own oracle of right and wrong, firmly believing in her five sound senses and the intuitive sixth. Once a real woman has been warned by her nose that those apples are tasteless, or assured by her fingertips that this material is shoddy, no salesman in the world can persuade her to the contrary. Nor, once she has met some personage in private and summed him up with a single keen glance as weak, vain or crooked, will his mounting public reputation convince her otherwise.

She takes pleasure in the company of simple, happy, undemanding women; but seldom or never finds a friend worthy of her full confidence. Since she never settles for the second best in love, what most troubles her is the rareness of real men. Wherever she goes her singularity will arouse strong feelings: adulation, jealousy, resentment, but never pity for her loneliness. Real women are royal women; the words once had the same meaning. Democracy has no welcome for queens."

You're mistaking women for people. They aren't humans, nowhere near it.

Would u deserve such a woman?
I put my money on the No.

> I want a woman who can talk with me about the Roman Empire and explain shifting global and economic trends and knows why the West is demographically doomed.
I talk to my mom about all these things.
we're not demographically doomed if we practice eutelegenesis, tho.

Explains my crush on Grace chan

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