Why are Americans so scared of public transportation?

Why are Americans so scared of public transportation?

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I took a train in NYC once.... once.

Fuck you crackers



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public can transport themsJ8TYWelves. I'm special


unironically because of other ''americans''
oooooh say can you seeee

because they're never a product of capitalism

High Subsaharan African admixture in their native Hispanic genepool making them the perfect kosher golems

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Because for no reason at all.
One day.
The state can turn it off for no reason. Because the populace voted wrong.
Or ban you from it because you didn't take experimental gene therapy.


Because marketing and advertising plays to their insecurities and ego when selling them cars. They're weak minded.

we are desperate for it, but public opinion and voting doesn't influence policy at all in the US, there is no democracy here, just a shadow puppet impersonation of one

Americans think that public transport is only for the poor and will worsen traffic jams

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Niggers, spic gangbangers, and white heroin junkies/tweakers.

We prefer personal transportation.

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You should rather ask why we can't have nice things.

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Trams are my love!

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i don't, I take the train regularly

Don't need it. It's for cityfags and cityfags are dogshit people. You can walk until your feet are bloody stumps for all I care, you fucking animal.

That girl was obviously oppressing that poor, defenseless, refugee, with her white privilege.


It's the primary means of nigger transport here. Why would we give them the means to leave the prison cities?

Why are you repeating bullshit talking points, when there is a reason, which is often left out?

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Disagree. I’d say they are the product of capitalism.
>how can I move this wagie from his hovel into the cage where I need him to work?
>Here, I’ll build this contraption he pays for every time he uses it, and squish him in with other wagies headed to their cagies.
>better yet I’ll double dip by getting tax dollars to pay for it as “public infrastructure”.

>letting wild animals on the train
What did they expect to happen?


We were told if we let them off leash they could behave themselves.

I probably wouldnt ride it too if it was full of niggers. We only sometimes have smelly bums and if they too smelly then busdriver kicks them out. Oh also its free

How many times do you have to post this?
Third thread today alone.

>on the train
outside the train isn't much better.

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Because the only people who ride public transportation are smelly niggers and spics and we don't want to be near them

Oh my god... Is this in USA?

Those new ones are hella gay. You can't even open the windows for fresh air.

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At least she was not pushed in front of the train. That's how you make mincemeat today.

>t. Danny Vermin

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>and that is kids why we had to raze down your neighbourhood for another 500 FREEDOM parking lots per Walmart
>also who needs communist trains when we have planes operating from state controlled FREEDOM airports blocking you from flying if you ever consider to protest against your government
>mutt flag
Checks out

"Scared" is a very appropriate word, even standing around waiting for the train is dangerous theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/15/new-york-subway-woman-pushed-to-death

No, but the point still stands.

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Lmao take a look at the state of seattles public transport system and ask yourself if you want to fund more of it

>We cant have civilisation because we are niggers
Kind of true, VPN Tyrone

There are a bunch of vids that portray exactly what you are talking about.
I didn't want to save them though.

Good goy, take the government transit. Forget that the only mode of transport that wasn't faced with masks or vaxpasses were private vehicles. You will own nothing and be happy.

American society is built around niggers. We don't have public transportation so we can stay away from niggers, we don't have houses in cities to stay away from niggers. We drive to work in our personal vehicle, then drive back to our suburbs or gated communities where we are safe from niggers.

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