Russia backs out of Kyiv and has now majorly lowered their goals for the war

>Russia backs out of Kyiv and has now majorly lowered their goals for the war
>has yet to achieve a single stated goal
>Ukriane is receiving milltary equipment, volunteers, foreign financial and tech aid out the ass
>even China is barely supporting Putin
>Putin backs down hollow threat to stop selling oil in Germany unless they use Russian Disneybucks
>Russia has lost several major commanders and huge swaths of vehicles and equipment
>Russian troops are still starving and frostbite ridden

Don't worry guys this is all going to plan those libtard (((bankers))) will be defeated any day now!!! Stoopid western world is FUCKED. LET'S GO BRANDON!!1!1!1

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also I am gay from the ukraine
me english very good

What if Arestovych is wrong and russians will attack again.

>has yet to achieve a single stated goal
Fuckoff nigger.

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Name their list of original goals and point to ine they've achieved double nigger

Russians fucked around and found out, but they can't retreat since their only motivation is fear of being killed by their superiors. Nukes are the only answer.

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The goal was chaos, they achieved it. They don’t care about losses of non russians on the battlefield. Russians in Moscow and Tolyatti still live rich and gloat on the woes of Ukrainians.

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ukraine has been completely decimated. cope harder meme flag kike

Putin's goal was wrecking ukraine and securing land road to crimea. Everything extra would be a bonus.

The only people claiming they had a list of goals are globohomos who constantly shift the goalposts to cope.

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No it wasn't and his road to Crimea is paved in enemy forces far from quelled. Even the Russian media claims that the "liberation" (see: conquest) of Ukraine was the goal that would be achieved easily. Cope harder

>literal list of military objectives
>none achieved

Cope harder Gopnik Glowie


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> Russian Disneybucks
Russian ruble existed hundreds years before the dollar, btw

Is this another Russia is losing thread? How original! The more threads like that you make the harder Russia will be losing, surely.

Yes, the plan is for Putin to go on to Any Forums, after receiving severe cyber bullying mixed with twitter white girl's petitions he will be demoralized further to the point of surrender. DUH

nah we dont have the word "nigger" in our language and dont use this in speach. He said "negr" - its a 100% non-insulting word, like negro.

Meanwhile they say they have achieved them and tranny's cope by saying hurrrrrr they didn't take Kyoov in 20 minutes they're losing 50 million Russians dead.

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I dont care what media says, they all just bunch of retards. And restoring this whole country is going to be huge pain in the ass, why would someone need it? Let yuropeons pay for it.

>we decimated a small irrelevsnt country and it only cost us our economy and our independence from chinese hegemony
4d chess over here
that makes it current state even sadder

Yea I'm thinking based

The state media accidentally announced their goals. Complete annexation of Ukraine and restoration of "Russia's historical borders" correcting an accident of history dividing the Russian people.

I had a Russian girlfriend for a summer and she said this to a nigger and he didn't take it kindly. She was asking him for directions and opened with "excuse me negr"

why did you pick the flat earth flag?

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