Make way, dropping a red hot #redpill incoming

make way, dropping a red hot #redpill incoming...

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Based asf i hope the us and uk kill more sandniggers

how is this my problem?

if you're american, you're financing it

He should have stabbed Chris and started throwing up gang signs and doing traditional gang land dances
Blacks are getting soft

the war on terrorism transitioned to supporting al-qaeda so gradually I hardly noticed


It's not. Yemen is a total shithole that uses all of its arable land to grow narcotics that the entire population is addicted to. 90+% of their food is imported gibs. Even worse, the narcotics they grow use huge amounts of water, so they've completely drained their water table such that the entire country is mass desertifying. Now worries though: they have one of the highest birth rates on earth so that should be fun.

But yeah, the sandnigger infighting is DEFINITELY the problem.

didnt read

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>sandniggers genocided all Christians and greco-european peoples from the areas they infested
>think I will be upset to hear this
Good. I hope our shitty kike government doubles those figures.

had no idea it was that bad. almost like their race is accursed for their past crimes. now that the west has its own financial issues we wont be gibsing them aids.

I think you "reddit"

Saudis will kill them for free

>sandniggers are dying!

What's a Yemen?

according to user the other day saudis got vaxx holocausted.

Yemen deez nuts

nope i dont care whats posted on jew controlled social media hellscape sorry bud

civilizing and industrializing a 3rd world country is the worst crime the west can commit, but none of those faggots will admit it, in the contrary they'll encourage it and blame their gov for it's dire consequences later on.

>literal israeli criticizing (((western leaders))) attempting to “civilize” monkey world for jewish state

Let me guess, he supports neocon intervention in Ukraine and Russian regime change?

>starved 17 million
The American Empire is evil, but this is King Leopold levels of bullshit.