What kind of a man kills his own children?

What kind of a man kills his own children?

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One that knows and sees the niggerific future instore for them.

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One that doesn't want their kids to grow up in a jew-run world.

A desperate man who couldn't vouchsafe that the Russians wouldn't get to them first, which very likely would have been worse than death for his family.
Haven't heard of the "no German between 8 and 88 is safe?"

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A good man

>the Russians
Russia had already fallen to the jews when the white army lost to the jewish-run red army.

AYO I’m finna check dem do frfr on my mama

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The worst

Maybe they weren't really his

This, a truly compassionate man

>Brown eyes
>Black hair
Only a non-white would do that

That's true. But when you're a man of Goebbels' status, in a bunker in Berlin with your family, as Germany falls to pieces, and the your being pincered by two sides of the same Semitic join, there's a certain appreciation of a realpolitik that isn't so concerned between "Bolshevists" and "Russians."

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A smart individual, that sees how horrible the world turned out to become. A human being that fixes mistakes he made in his earlier life. A based person that has found the true knowledge of the world.
A soon to be free man.

>das kreatür gräuel

He didn't. His wife did.


Someone that’s based and redpilled. He didn’t kill the Jews but I wish he did. He was too kind for his own good.

Who cares> In Roman times it was allowed for a man to kill his offspring if he saw fit. If it was painless I say what's it matter?

ger"man" and nigger

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This club footed hypocrite should have been gassed.

He knew they would be raped and tortured to death. Such is the fate of those who lose to Jews and Commies and niggers. They have no honor, nor any mercy.

Do not show any to them.

You're scared, aren't ya kike?