Women in the office

My gf does Zoom meetings and many of the other people are women. Sometimes it's only women and no men. It's a black and white difference between how calm & business like the men are, and how emotional and rude the women are. Unable to contain their emotions & making the call a nightmare spilling their feelings everywhere. Ive seen different articles about feminist businesses having to start hiring men because women-only work places turned toxic and frankly, lazy. Ive also heard the same from a buddy about these female dominated business meetings he use to be a part of.

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I used to work at a 5* hotel which is obviously womyn dominated and holy shit it's a fucking nightmare
>They never own up to their mistakes, making every process slow af
>They keep changing their minds and seethe if you didn't INSTINCTUALLY guessed which one they wanted atm
>They always gossip and get jelous if you're talking on avg with one more than others (even if it's only wagie-related issues)
>Sooner or later you're in relationship without even knowing, shit getting posted on social media so your actual gf goes wtf user
>Not a day goes by without one snapping at someone for meaningless shit

Fucking hell, these cunts were mostly in their late 20s and early 30s. The few, rare nonpsycho ones were ofc under 24yo

Women are just men without based testosterone.

I met this guy that was a male nurse and he said much the same thing about the women he worked with.

used to work at a job where it was around 90% women, it is truly hell on earth. the few days where it was just a few guys working where the best ones.

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I know we know the answer, but kek, what about women would make someone think a female led workspace would have “potential”?

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Women are actually insane. Their minds are designed for emotional and social flexibility and multitasking. They have concurrent realities going on and genuinely lose track of which ones which when put on the spot.

Women are much worse than that dude you maybe just don’t pay attention

Can you give an example of how female dominated businesses turn out?

Used to work with a lot of women, I would only be nice to the ones over 40 and extremely mean to any woman who was young.

This. Dudes were never an issue, the worst one is saner than the avg womyn

Nurses got it worse. At least being a 5* hotel they were qts. Nurses got to deal with absolute lazy beasts

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There was a fashion company that did this 4-5 years back. They only hired women, and got alot of plubicity5. After a year they admitted defeat publicly and started hiring men.

Women fucking hate working with, and especially under, other women.

Why? In my experience the older they are the cuntiest they act. the young & fresh are usually sweet. They become cunts after dealing on the daily with these older, frustrated holes

Used to work at a well-known k-12 education curriculum publisher. 90% women. The entire organization was paralyzed by internal politics and power struggles. Department heads would hire women from their own college cliques so it was literally school-style, clique vs. clique drama. And this was just the white, blonde-haired sorority element. When diversity hires became an HR priority, it was a complete mess, because they couldn't hire their friends anymore, they had to hire black women. This created a weird atmosphere where the white female cliques went to extremes to appear to welcome the black women into the decision-making process, but in reality the diversity hires didn't really fit in and there were endless passive-aggressive clashes.

Notice I didn't say a single thing about hiring best people to get the projects done? That's because they didn't. The good workers saw the clusterfuck and left. And the curriculum still hasn't gone to market.

Very good observations.

Bump. Fuck h*les. Artificial wombs when?
I’m in engineering and we had two women in the office but one of them left lol. The other just does BS admin that no one else wants to do. Pretty funny.

>all women gone
>low weekend volumes
>everyone starts shitposting about anime
>the old German guy reveals he likes girls und panzer and kantai collection

Yep it’s comfy time

Hearing the calls my wife is on every now and then, when their female supervisor is running the show and the call is mostly women it straight up sounds like catty bickering that I heard during lunch period of elementary school.
It's basically an open floor for passive aggressive comments. And God damn, once a dude gets in there, it's like a race for each woman to destroy the other's credibility.

>X has so much potential, if it would be even real

Image related.
The Daily Mail had to remove it from their website it was so good. But you can still find it on the archive sites.

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>be me
>work shitty retail job in college
>all women, except me who ran the stock room, only one back there so was technically the stock manager
>had to go to in early mornings on my days off for “manager” meetings
>all the women gossip for about 45 minutes
>talk about work for about 5 minutes
>go home and go back to sleep

Tornadoes, earth quakes, tsunamis, fire all have potential user.

I don't know if this counts, but my wife is part of a small real estate company with her sister. At least once a week they're both literally crying and screaming. How do women even function?