
Let's have an honest and open discussion about sexuality.


Normal or abnormal?

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Who fucking cares

Idk. is it?

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>Let's have an honest and open discussion about sexuality.
How about I come to your toothpaste shithole and kick your teeth in.

kill all pedophiles

waaay too old

That's amazing!

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Normal for the most part of human history.
I don't know where you grow up but when I was a kid these little sluts started sucking cock at 13.

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

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Don't know that this is but I would have fucked Laura ass until my dick would fall off

kill yourself troon creature

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Your anger and supressed sexuality is noticed. Amazing!

Normal based good based.

There's a difference between sexual attraction to anything and acting on it. I don't care what people want to fuck as long as they don't act on it. Niggers in Africa fuck goats to keep from raping women because they don't realize restraint is possible, or for them, it simply isn't, being animals.
If a guy wants to fuck my daughter but never even looks at her funny, why should I care? If he touches her, I'll kill him. Slowly. Starting with his dick.

Anyone who touches or abuses kids deserves death or worse.
I suggest removing eyesight, hearing and fingers, then let them go free.

Abnormal when you make a conscious decision to exploit an emotionally immature child

says the guy who probably plays vidya 18 hours a day

this did make me laugh tho heh

Evolution. Hominid body trying to evolve to stay in track with 2-decade brain development. Puberty, pre-modern chemicals in our food & water, was happening later and later.

Elites shut that evolution down.

This makes me diamonds. Not in a pedo way, but the fantasy that kids that young regardless of gender would be trained as soldiers. A 100% militarized nation, where every single citizen old enough to carry a rifle would fight the enemy instead of fleeing country... Damn.

But when a 13 year old initiates it is normal?

lol, pedo faggot. jihadic countries is the best places for you.

Oy vey

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Depends on how big their tits are. Mommy milkers = normal. Boybod = pedo.

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WW2 Japan

Gay gay gay and gay.

What do they call it when you only want to fuck women in their 60s-70s?

Ok groomer. Your life is a failure therefore you want to see if you can destroy another life... kys
You'll never be a real woman. Self-mutilation is insanity

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Tits aren't the only defining characteristic, and they aren't even defining, since mature adult women can be flat-chested.

Big tits = degenerates.

Based take


yes i'm gay
so what, monke?


t. on Any Forums right after masturbating to weird fetish porn

Good luck, user. Enjoy.
Get a job as a coach of some kind that visits an old folks home(s) and have at it.

Shut the fuck up. It's always sex sex sex with you fucking shills. Go do whatever it is you do with your bits and fucking shut the fuck up you obsessed beta faggot.

this is considered normal but pedophilia and hebephilia are still illegal
truly a clown world

Nice colorized photo, she died at Auschwitz 80 years ago. Using her photo for this thread is disgusting.

IMO If they can bleed, they can breed.
Problem is that women nowadays are childish even at their 30. 150 years ago a woman could be a good mother and housekeeper at 16.

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wht is fucked about it is that its always people that want the youngest possible girls that seem to bring up this point, so it feels like pedophiles trying to muddy the water or slide the bar, it creeps me the fuck out

the kids you wanna fuck is not okay to touch, the girl in your OP look like a child, not even a teenager, fuck off pedo groomer.

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Guess I'm an ephebophile

Let kids be kids and hang out with kids, 16+ should be normal desu.

Couldn't finish it. Afwul.

Normal in the sense that it is common and might increase the chance for men to pass on their genes. I still don't like it because grown men dating 14-year olds is disgusting and the girls are not mentally mature.

Yeah, but where you come from most of the pornography is just people eating each others shit so you may not have the most reasonable opinion.

~16 yr is normal, but only if she's married and having sex for procreation.

Anything less is degenerate.


You can be a Hebephile and nobody cares, but if you're a Hebephobe, you're antisemetic.

wrong question you Hellbound faggot
* fornication is a sin
* fornication with a young person is spreading corruption
* marriage of teens needs the permission of the parents
* teen pregnancy is harmful to the mother and has high rates of birth defects
now go die in a fire

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My thesis is that everyone attracted to minors should be killed.

Why not 15 yr?

(((Transgender people are not mentally ill!)))

It's unnecessary.

post more

Abnormal. Brain doesn't fully develop until mid 20's. At her age it definitely hasn't. Just being around her would be weird. I'd have to not be me just so I could try try relate to her.


Except that they would've given basically wooden spears to their citizens if the mainland invasion ever came. And basically expected them to tennoheika banzai machinegun emplacements. I respect fighting to the last man, woman and child but atleast try to fight instead of convoluted cope-suicide.

bailed at 14seconds


"she" is probably a femboy.

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Imagine thinking the female brain ever develops fully. kek

This. I have 4 sex slaves aged 12, and 13 and 14 and 15 Their tits in the respective order are D, DDD, C and EE . With milkers that size they arent innocent at all and thwh have daddy issues. Thats where I come in. Inside them :)

nl is nl
Zwarte Piet is woman.


Most natural thing. Tell me which other animal exists that waits for years after the female becomes sexually reproductive to actually mate?

Yes! Yes! Hahahaha!

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>mature adult women can be flat-chested.
What's your point? Avoid them too.

Normal if it's not like pedophilia where they ONLY find girls that age attractive. That is just plain degeneracy, especially combined with the lack of self-control that leads to rape.

The female brain has 75% of the connections of the man because women don't need to do high level thinking or inventions.

I think it's normal to FEEL attraction but ultimately minors should be protected by adults and that's why there should be age of consent laws.

Based thread makes nu/pol/ seethe

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groomers get the rope

my cat was ready to mate after like 4 months

pedophiles are specifically attracted to girls before they hit puberty (sexually reproductive) and is thus degenerate and should be met with a cross.
Hebephilia is based and redpilled (would be the norm if it wasn't for 30 year old roasties seething about it).

Based but only for pedastery.

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>Adult women are not mature enough for marriage
>sex outside marriage is retarded anyways
Why marry a kid thats not even at the "unmature" level yet? and besides, if you're into it due to her age, she will age in a few years anyways, what then? pointless

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she looks prepubescent, no deal.

is that young Fuentes?

it's funny because the legion keeps women as property and absolutely starts breeding them as soon as they hit puberty.

Hebephiles are attracted to post-pubescent children/teens. Pedos are attracted to pre-pubescent children

each day without lera waifu is suffering

Long as you don't act on it and just fap i'd say it's perfectly fine

Still no, because it's unlikely they'll actually know what they're doing.

>ok to like 7th graders when you are in 7th grade
>supposed to magically lose interest in them once you turn 18
sucks because they are the best waifu material since you can train them to be better partners.

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And fertility peaks at 18yo.
that's what matters.

If the girl can mumble a little bit she is good enough to breed.

"If she can mumble a little bit, that's fine".

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Is Dafne Keen Hebe? Because 17 is legal in Ireland

Send all gays to an island and let them live out their lives and die without passing on their poisonous degenerate habits to anyone other than the already infected

Goodbye homosex forever

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age of consent is to protect women below normal marrying age from predditors. normal marrying age is now late 20s so it needs to be set to 25.
the amish have a high enough birth rate for you, yes? they marry in their early 20s. also they don't fornicate and hopefully when God destroys america He can give the land to His amish

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Trips of truth

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And elephants won't start fucking until they're 12-14 years old. Still young, but later than most beasts.

I don't know what it's supposed to mean. I've only ever heard it being said by pedophiles when they get called pedophiles; "there's a difference between pedophilia and hebephilia". Therefore I have come to the conclusion that it's pedo cope.

That’s too young euro weirdo

17 is legal in Ireland though

lol, 16-65 in one category? Okay.

>t. 30 yr old roastie

historically 16yr old mothers was normal occurrence. We only established 18 yr old as a "better safe than sorry" cutoff. But ideally the husband should be ~19-22 yr old.

possibly, but the husband should be younger too

He's not molesting kids you sick fuck