Bill Gates found a way to create water out of thin air

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Unless he found a way to create hydrogen and oxygen from thin air then this is bollocks. And he hasn't so sneed

Dune timeline

So, did the media already forget that this nigga was in the middle of a huge divorce which stemmed from his ties to Epstein?

Wow, humidifiers have never existed in all of human history.

I did it first, my apartment generates water out of thin air on cold bottles

>water out of thin air

Like rain?

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They didnt forget. They just dont care. Why would they report on themselves?

Bio weapon when?

Big cap. Can't make something from nothing senpai.

This is it. Aqua pura for the masses. John henry Eden edition. The 4th drinks a killer!

So does my air conditioner

an air conditioning unit?

can´t wait to be told to rent water and be happy about it !

"Roll up, roll up, see the Fantastical Master of the Universe unveil His Special Secrets to You!! For the cost of just one silver shekel, he will tell you all the hidden mysteries including how to make meat from vegetables, and now NEW!!! Water from AIR Yes! AIR!"


Attached: w57m4e.jpg (373x540, 51.4K)

Not really that impressive. I can also make brownies out of thin air.

Don’t bother, these guys are stupid.

Eh. So bill gates and some jew made giant dehumidifiers to collect water....
I don't like the idea of alot of those existing.
Like we need a level of water in the air I thoughtttt

Oh boy
I cant wait for 1 billion more niggers artificially supported in Africa

Their is exactly zero real world use cases that it's cheaper in materials, and energy to condense water from air than it is to pump and pipe water from a source.

well there is plenty of oxygen and a little hydrogen in air

So basically he's extracting the air's water content? This will mean less rain and even worse droughts (obviously caused by climate change, not by dehumidifying air)


Attached: Maytag_dehumidifier1.jpg (2136x2848, 3.17M)

Ur fucking car does that when its running the aircon hey whammo

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it's pretty cool:
it's actually the opposite. the only way to reduce africa's population is by educating women and reducing poverty and famine. worked wonder in the west and east.

What'd he do? By a humidifier?

Yes if I H2+O2+energy=H2O
Anyone who took basic chemistry can tell you this.
The hydropanel isn't even a new technology. Like 1/3 of 'amazing technology' we use everyday was made or improved in the 1950s

>inb5 why has it stopped raining? Climate change!
>inb6 atmospheric deoxygenation? Because you don't want trannies molesting your children!

>lets drip moisture from the air
Oh look a more retarded way to desalinate.

A fucking nuclear plant doesnit a billion times better.

water farming in certain regions is a common practice. big screens that catch early morning vapor and drain into a reservoir. these faggots teaming up means they’re going to corner some specific geographical market first then pollute the ground water and make everyone eat ze bugs and s o y meat and buy their BlackGates brand H2O, comes pre vaccinated.

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In gonna make me a T-shirt with that image and show it to my feminist coworkers. Thank you

Can't wait to see people dying of legionnaires disease from these retarded contraptions.

Oh wow, an air well.

based and supervillainpilled.

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Fairy tale. Nighters can't be educated. We've tried for at least 3 centuries already. It's easier for them to stay stupid and get humanitarian aid from whitey.

Lemme guess, he'll take credit from fog collecting?

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Masterhaplogroup I, indoaryans are niggers & snowniggers will inherit the earth after the nuclear colapse

Nice try autocorrect

no, it's working

What is up with these billionaires funding scams?

Came to post this.

Dumb nigger made a dehumidifier

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air conditioners do this

we should hire a little 14 year old nigga to shoot this nigga