Male Ukrainian refugees in Europe face 10 years in prison if they don't go back and fight

Male Ukrainian refugees in Europe face 10 years in prison if they don't go back and fight.
Male Middle East and African refugees face nothing if they don't go back.

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jews want whites dead

jewtin's a monke girl in a banana wooorld

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>Male Ukrainian refugees in Europe face 10 years in prison if they don't go back and fight.
Lying katsap. That goes to males who crossed the border after 24th illegally.

Because. When push comes to shove, ethnicity and sex matters when it comes to nationhood and upholding the rights of your citizens. But leftists like to pretend these categories of personhood don't matter because they are (((propagandised))) by women and faggots who seem to dislike straight white men.

Because the EU right now exists only to force humanity into sodomy acts of white women fucking brown men.

>p.s., it's also because the USA has ordered that Ukraine must keep on fighting while all the Arabs they invaded must not

Kikes are terraforming Khazaria 2.0 and removing all the ethnic Russians before they settle there. Same thing happened to Palastinians in Israel when the kikes fantasized that they were Israelites. (They are not Israelites, they are Canaanite Khazars)

her boyfriend is black btw

>males who crossed the border after 24th illegally.
As opposed to the males 18 - 60 who LeGaLlY crossed the border when males 18-60 were not allowed to cross the border

dont care, still supporting ukraine


please quit wasting tax payer money and get a real fucking job. NATO memetic warfare is a fucking joke, and is your teams gtp3 bot.

That's how it works when you're part of the glorious EU.

Seriously though, Ukrainian men are citizens there, and refugees are just refugees. As citizens you have to die for your country and as woman or a refugee you get all the same benefits as a White man and you also don't have to die for your slave masters. It's pretty clear what this is about it. Kill White men and stack the country full of shitskins to fuck all the White women.

These dumb knuckle-daggers in Ukraine died for their politicians and the right for unelected politicians in EU to dictate policy. They're not free, they are slaves and they gladly die as such. Sad, many such cases.

>communicating like a 12 year old makes me a kool kid
I think you fail to fundamentally understand where you are. Most of us were raised on and by Any Forums, our lives have largely not gone the way we would have desired but we've perservered mainly out of a kind of mal-adaptive stubbornness and misanthropic dark sense of humor. For some of us we've been able to improve ourselves and our lives with precisely zero societal assistance. We are and have always been pariahs from the normal society. We congregate in dark corners of the web, surrounded by malevolent sarcasm. We ride the ups and downs as we always have, with a sneer on our lips and derision on our tongues. This place is for people who have spent their lives slinking about in cold, dank, miserable recesses, living off of refuse. You seek to drive us out of our hovel by spewing vileness into it? How would that bother those born in and raised in vileness? We are amused! You feed us great meals and ask why we are not harmed!

the seething is real, you'll never be a woman btw.

tranny battalion soon

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nobody's reading that lmao

50% casualties before fighting starts

Built for BBC

Source for that claim?


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Every NATO flag is a willing and able cuck.

Who said anything about wanting to be a woman? I think you might be projecting or just didn't like what I said. Either way, do you have an actual argument against what I said?

are you just trying to make him mad so he goes against clown world or what

Why would they want them back? The less people they have the more of the free gibs they can keep to themselves whiteout being hung by starving niggers.

You can’t force memes because the ones that stick have a scathing element of truth that they expose. You are taking something you see from the outside and assuming you can inject your Disney channel drivel into it and suddenly alter the hearts of people who are here because they are tired of precisely this type of shit. Fucking moron.

>still supporting ukraine

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