Future terrorist threat of NLAWs/Javelins/Stingers?

Pretty much the title: what do you think will be the end result of circulating all these weapons into Ukraine? Is there some chance that they'll fall into the hands of European terrorist groups who'll then use them to shoot down civilian airliners or (god willing) blow a hole into the side of Jeff Bezos's superyacht when it departs harbor in the Netherlands? This isn't even getting into the many, many small arms like AKs/PKMs released into this conflict which'll be Yugo Civil War 2.0 as far as small arms in the rest of Europe goes.

No one seems to be talking about this at the moment. Heard from a friend that this is rather unlikely because

>heavy weapons like ATGMs/SAMs are only given to top line elite troops who won't just hide and smuggle them out
>Stingers in Afghanistan were to this day never used to go and shoot down a commercial airliner

But would like some general thoughts on this.

Attached: stinger.jpg (650x366, 45.46K)

The Nazis will use them on Israel in retaliation for fucking up UKR.

I think so desu

You will never be a real woman

> heavy weapons like ATGMs/SAMs are only given to top line elite troops who won't just hide and smuggle them out
Lol no
Also weapons don’t go missing from the front, they go missing from storage

Big if true

>Stingers in Afghanistan were to this day never used to go and shoot down a commercial airliner
It might not even take down a large airliner. The missile is rather small since a person can carry it. It would probably just take out a single engine on an airliner and it could still limp to an airport.

For comparison a Sidewinder missile weighs 188 lbs and has a 20lb warhead.
Stinger weighs 33 lbs and has a 2.25lb warhead. Sidewinder is literally 10X as powerful.

There are literally dozens of thousands of these weapons right now in Ukraine. The Chechen and the Syrians are there. The Chechen and the Syrians are also capturing hundreds if not thousands of these.

You know they're going to be selling these in the international arms black markets really soon.

with stinger you shot airliners at take off.
when they are slow low and heavy with fuel. in those condition with an engine out, and possibly catching fire they're quite fucked.

Just like after the balkan war. The CIA will just buy them back off the blackmarket for a very high price.

NLAWs are one and done weapon you mongoloid

Yes, but UNUSED NLAWs you fucking retard. Not every round of ammo sent to an area actually gets used.

Honestly Russia should provide captured US weapons to rebel groups around the world to be used against Western targets

I think Russia will seize these weapons and give them to the criminals to use against the countries who sent them.

When we start losing 10 passenger planes a day to these anti aircraft weapons nobody will want to fly and ze vill be happy.

Someone on here was saying a while back that those weapons are designed to have a shelf life of a couple of years after which they become unusable, specifically to try and stop what you're saying from happening.

It would be fun if airliners did maximum climb rate takeoffs while dumping flares. I would be into that.

ukraine is a hub of international money laundering, bribery and black markets overall. ofc some of those weapons will end up into black markets

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This was the first thing I thought of when I found out they were getting portal AA systems like the stringer. Some of those variants can reach targets at 26,000 feet. The wage of an average Ukrainian is like $200 a month. These systems are going to be sold - if not already - on the black market and will be used for terrorism. Sponsored and enabled by the US... they will call it "blowback."

They're going to save them to give to American dissidents during the upcoming civil wars, give ZOG a taste of their own medicine.

commercial airliners fly at 10km the range of stinger is 3.5km...

Wonder how much those stuff go on the black market? Probably a decades salary for many ukrainians.

No doubt. This is fucking insanity that we gave neo-nazis NATO AA that they can hide in a van.

Ukraniens on gov. level sell half the aid coming to them from the EU and NATO before it even reach the border. Classical Eastern Europe