Will you forget?

Will you forget?

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A lot of these come off as oddly cynical.

Why is it all Shit Wars?


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As much as MIGAmutts wish I would, no.

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I'm going to frame a mask to always remind me.

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Oh hellow powers that be, my name is Any Forums. Me and my friends have this thing where we "never forgive" which is only possible if we "never forget."

Sorry to disrupt your domination of the planet Earth. You'll have to kill us all manually I'm afraid. Excuse me while I start a Stephen Paddock thread.

wife i both lost our careers for not taking the jab, had to cash out our retirement savings and relocate to the south

i will never forget. i push the rage down into the depths of my soul every day just to keep up appearances and continue to support my family. one day i will have my revenge

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I'm never going to forget this. This shitshow was proof positive that the people in charge are not only baldfaced liars but also have absolutely no regard for our well-being and are willing to sacrifice us en-masse for their own petty benefit. This was easily extrapolated from their previous actions but the COVID hoax was a real masks-off moment, a solid pants-down, knife-in-hand example of pure malice that can easily be referenced whenever they try to spin their treacherous yarn again in the future.

I won't forget until I can take my fuckin mask off at the hospital I work at


> We will forget

Until this fall / winter.
Then, the virus hype will kick in again.

After 2 years it was simply time to come up with some new fear porn.

A little interspersed Word War frenzy prevents the goy cattle from becoming too carefree.

gee im sure ill forget that i failed to off myself several times and took a trip to the looney bin

Fuck no I'm not going to forget about what they did to humanity. I know humanity is dumb as dogshit but this is the elite's doing either way. People aren't going to just forget about all the vaccine injuries and deaths that happened ever since then.

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How could anyone forget this. Should they be allowed to?

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Everyone will forget because that's how NPCs are.
There have numerous studies done that show the average human only has about 24 hours of attention span and if the news doesn't keep spewing new information They begin to pay attention to new details.
In a time frame of about 2 months you begin to lose a lot of crucial information. 1 year you will forget people's names. 2 years you could begin to forget people's faces.

And I don't mean literally forget like a meme.
Things start to blur, you start going "what was that guys name... Oh yeah Jeff."
It only gets worse as time goes on and it's one of the biggest reasons why humans slowly lose skills over time they don't actively practice.

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Part of me wants to join a right wing death squad and throw them all against the wall in a firing line.

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Can you make this with the headline?