Reminder if you are anti-Ukraine you are anti-American

Reminder if you are anti-Ukraine you are anti-American.

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I am anti-ukraine PRECISELY because it's anti-american.


wtf i hate ukraine now

Death to America.

Disgusting. I'd tear that flag down if I saw it.

Rimender Jews always Demand and label things like this on here 24/7

If you are not X then Y

slide bait thread you morons

I'm a Ukrainian AMerican and I want Zelenski to lose.

>trying to kill nazis in their homes.

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no fuck's given but okay


i work a blue collar job, hard work, high school education, rebuilt my house with my own hands. i used to be as patriotic as the day is long. this country has gone down faster than a nigger with a knee to the neck. fuck this country and this corrupt system, fuck ukraine, fuck niggers and fuck jannies. russbros please nuke jew york and california

I live in one of the largest Ukrainian American populated areas in the USA. Come here and say that and get the orc treatment.

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Why are you not defending Mariupol right now, traitor?

what gender is that???? JEWISH

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Yes I am

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Yep and that's a good thing

I feel the same, my country was ZOGGED before I was born, but I shutter to think of the horrors that would replace it if the root of the problem isn't stamped out. I wish you Russia frens the best.

I am anti-American (anti-Globohomo)

>you are anti-American.

Reminder if you're pro-Ukraine, you probably still believe the news or get your world events from late-night comedy.

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Same, I only wish the best for those few sane Americans that remain.

Can we fly the Azov flag now? That'd be pimp.

that is hilariously sad, even for the current state of burgerland

Lol. Reminder your bullshit stinks.

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so be it. you stupid kike driven fucks

Why should we care about another country or what you think?

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get your ass over there hohol

This but unironically.

Says who. My great great grandmother was russian, that alone has familial bias. Ukrainians can suck my cock

Ukraine is the capitol of Clown world

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It's a shoop, look at the pixels.

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Why are americans so fucking cringeworthy?

Reminder that if you support either side you are a Corporate slave.

This man was not elected to be president.

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Get to the front lines kike defender

No, I hate Ukraine because I'm anti-Israel.


Ukraine is pathetic and so are you and all other Ukrainians. Fuck your Jewish province.

Why does that look fake?


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You wont do shit, just as you never have. Bitcha ass kike.


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Ukraine is Jew developing Bio-weapons

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