This man has millions of dollars to his name, and you don't

How does this make you feel?

Attached: vitalik_ethereum.jpg (1200x675, 102.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

literally who?

I have fuller biceps

Don't care

More like Billions

bad I bought ETH at $4 dollars and sold it at $32 and thought I was a genius

He's a genius and he deserves it on multiple levels.

He has close to a billion that we know of. Probably more from other deals.

Proof that money is fake.

>has millions of worthless fiat to his name

Attached: 54667129789.png (786x590, 71.11K)

for sure I kinda want to get my kid signed into his school. Can some user help?

He's a billionaire you clown.

>sold eth at $32.

May the Lord have mercy upon your soul.

Vitalik Buterin.

The Ethereum guy. Your daughters would glady spend half a decade having to sleep with him in exchange for a fat bag.

What say you?

Attached: crypto_daddy.png (870x439, 450.85K)

I really doubt Vitalik has funny money.

I thought he was a billionare?

good for him? should probably buy some more food with that money

literally who cares, hit this faggots wallet with an emp

He should get some food, dude.

he's a weird little dude, but he's a based genius no doubt.

This is the only acceptable take.

Here, have a great picture I saved some years ago. Enjoy.

Attached: 1599091336346.jpg (733x670, 61.91K)

He needs to buy some groceries and put some meat on dem bones

The cope in this thread is all the proof I needed, Any Forums is a den of losers and cope artists.

You thought correct.

good, maybe he should buy millions of sandwiches and eat them. Look at this fucking faggot skele. Good luck buying your way out of your own bitchhood.

I wish I was smart enough to make a network to build smart contracts on. I wish I was smart enough to incision what a smart contract was before most others. He threw away billions of shib for the hell of it. I wish I was him

So let me get this straight. He made up his own money. People for no reason decided to use his fake money. And now he is worth billions of fake money

holy cope batman


Attached: 49b.jpg (343x286, 16.84K)

he should browse fit, then canoe his head with a shotgun


True, but crypto still sucks.

Here's the proof:

Not a single fucker on this thread has said "he has 4,000 ethereum coins" ---> They went straight to "he has billions of US dollars"

So the thought process of these geniuses is

1. FIAT currency is worthless!

2. I know this because my crypto coins are now worth many, many FIAT currency US dollars


At some point cognitive dissonance will come knocking on your door.

Attached: that_one_happy_boy.png (799x911, 1.06M)

First he met some Jews and they planned it together.

>millions of dollars
So nothing of value?..

i love this guy - ive turned $5k into $300K+ right now, and staking it so earning a decent percentage while I wait for the flippening. best money I've ever spent. thank you money skellie

>to his name

This is the only video on Youtube that's worth watching.

Attached: 1593640593036.jpg (976x796, 102.11K)

Weak cope, we are just trying to explain it to you nocoins faggots. All your cope and seethe won't amount to a hill of beans when you're shining my shoes for a Satoshi nigger.

Type to bring out my old copypasta

> earns 300k (on a bad year)
> huge house, fully paid off by age 23
> blonde, blue-eyed wife with generous pink-nipple titties
> 4.5 children (the last one came out retarded and doesn't count as a full child)
> has bedded over 300 women, including some biracial ones (the good kind of biracial)
> owns a mobile phone belt pouch
> exciting, expensive hobbies (spends all his time outdoors)
> was able to predict the rise of bitcoin, owns hundreds of them
> decorated army hero; once beat a non-white outside an applebees
> i would mention the size and girth of his cock, but that would just make the reddit-normies feel sad
> photographic memory, knows thousands of slurs and is able to combine them at will (was able to improvise when talking shit about a brazilian-armenian)
> is only here ironically

MY GOD! IT TRULY IS A PLEASURE TO BE ABLE TO HANG OUT AMONG YOU GOD-LIKE MEN!!! AND FOR FREE TOO!!! i hope nobody here is lying about their actual lives though

Attached: blade_runner_sardonic.jpg (782x788, 96.81K)

He made something with his life and I do nothing but sit at home posting on Any Forums and jerking it to degenerate pornography so that makes sense.