Is he a brainlet?

I did something similar when I was 14. Rage hit someone in front of the whole school while he remained calm. Felt like a retard and never did it again. This nigga is a middle aged man wtf

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Other urls found in this thread:'s-beautiful-and-here's-why_n_62433766736e4b0d8266aa3eb73

Yeah but also he basically just went into fight or flight mode from the massive weight of being the world's biggest cuck. In that moment Chris Rock represented every man that fucked his wife's brains out. It's like he never got to address any of that stuff because it was slow rolled on to him in front of the world. But he could try to stand up for himself with Chris.

This. Long story short a fucking GI Jane joke was the straw that broke the camels back. Will smith however is still one of the largest Cucks to ever exist and if he was anything like a man would have dumped that bald bitch for doing that to him

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Also, in normal nigger interactions, you have to defend your pride over the dumbest shit or they will gang up on you. When I was a kid I fought niggers for shit like bumping into me on purpose or little comments here and there. On paper I look like a bully or a wigger but they are hyenas. You can't let an infraction slide or it's over.

Suck a fat cock OP. It was a publicity stunt, we've already covered this.


I agree.

What about Mediterreaneans?

When I was 14 someone rage hit me in front of the whole school while I stood there and remained calm. He felt like a retard and never did it again.

That you Dave?

Publicity stunt or not Will Smith is still the biggest cuck ever. Should've immediately dumped the bitch but instead he's making himself look worse by being emotional and crying like a bitch in front of the world. Zero respect for that faggot.

It's no coincidence that his son is like this.

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(1) it's fake
(2) you're a retard for not knowing it's fake
(3) the oscars was talked about more this year than the last 5 years
(4) kys in minecraft

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He's a Jew puppet

It was staged, retard

Wtf do you think? He's got the mentality of a 2 year old.

He's fucking gay you faggot.

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it was a marketing stunt retard
guess who was sponsoring the show?

Will Smith was a respectable guy - starting a family, sticking around as a loving father, working for a living. But his wife is a severely damaged woman. She never got over Tupac when he died and she's tried to fill that hole for years. Thing is, she's also a huge bitch, cucking Will publicly and often, belittling him, turning their kid into a progressive freak, insulting him constantly and the sad thing is, Will loves her. He's in that kind of emotionally dependent, desperate love where he'd do anything for her. Things like accepting an open marriage, trying to shrug off her saying things like "He doesn't satisfy me in the bedroom" or reading old poems from Tupac in interviews while he's right there and yes, slapping Chris Rock for a joke

He's become a pathetic, mewling cunt and a shell of the man he used to be, all because of one abusive bitch. It's sad to see, really. He used to be so happy

Money, power, and living in a world without consequences for your actions makes you a 14 year old in a 52 year old man's body. Many such cases. All these rich and powerful people are so delusional it's unreal. They don't need to be mature, or humane, or even human. They are insane sociopaths and will destroy humanity, screenshot this.'s-beautiful-and-here's-why_n_62433766736e4b0d8266aa3eb73

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The only one I ever befriended tried to kick my ass for having a girlfriend because he thought I was gay and blamed me for tricking him. Niggerfaggots are as funny as the word.

If this action actor and the shock comedian hadn't performed this shocking action stunt, nobody would have gave a single fuck about their pedowood circlejerk.

Mission accomplished.

Lawyer Reacts: What the Academy Hopes You MISSED When Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock

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