I have a “man(ego)” question

>half the men say it’s based as fuck to hit a man if he talks shit about your wife
>the other half says he is a pussy and is acting like his nigger genes

So which one is right?

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The classy thing is to have him meet you after, in private, then kick the shit out of him.


its based to smack anyone who disrespects your family but this whole thing is faked to give the jew nigger oscars views

Chris Rock deserves an apology Right Now, and if you disagree you obviously need to shut your mouth.

How many threads do you faggots need?

It's the Oscars not WWE. A certain amount of decorum is expected. Take it outside if you absolutely must. But niggers though.

saying "GI Jane 2, cant wait to see it!" is NOT talking shit, unless of course the subject in question is a thin skinned narcissist

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There's something to be said for standing up for your wife, but not when you have such a fucked up relationship.

this he should have kicked her ass to the curb years ago

both are retarded because they believe they didn't just watch actors act
fuck you for making me reply, herbs go in all celeb threads

If he talks shit about your wife, tell him to cut it out. If he keeps it up, spread a rumor about them like they raped someone. He raped your ego and in exchange you rape him (il)legally.

>Will Smith is a fag
>He got cucked by his wife
>Then he slapped a smaller man
Nigger gay cuck genes are showing

Defend your women's honor and smack him up. Chivalry never died.

Either, depending on intent and subtext.
>So which one is right?
Woman detected.

What would Will Smith do if I smacked Jada Smiths ass?

Fellate me?

It would be based if she wasn't openly and frequently cucking him. In context it just looks like he was looking for an excuse to take it out on somebody else because he doesn't have what it takes to address his actual problem. I understand where he's coming from, but I can't respect him for it.

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What youre saying is he should have slapped Jada on stage.

The only thing that matters is not being insecure about your own values.
If you have to ask, then you have already lost and there is no point in you caring about being alpha or having "man(ego)" or whatever you wanna call it.
Men just have it, you don't.

>it’s based as fuck to hit a man if he talks shit about your wife
Yes, BUT ONLY IF she hasn't publicly cheated on you.

>letting someone shit-talk your wife on national TV, at the most prestigious media event of the year would be cucked, so slapping Chris Rock was a chad move
>staying with a woman who cheated on you is incredibly cucked, polyamory is an insane cuck-cope, and going out in public to let everyone know that you're an ultra-mega-double-cuck is beyond the faggiest shit imaginable
so he did the right thing here, but he only had to do it because he's been continually doing the wrong thing for like 25 years

Violence is an escalation, it means you lost the verbal argument. It's that simple.

No Woman is worth getting charges lmao.

Tell em that you don't even know em, wich is also what i tell myself and suddenly no fucks given. Why should we care what a random person says.

Weak af Bro

>random man attacks wife verbally on street
defend honor
>comedian in comedic setting makes joke at wife’s expense
attacking is niggardly