Political implications of being an aphantasite NPC?

Who here...

>Can visualize the apple (to what degree, see picrel)
>Has internal monologues
>Is autistic or suspects it.

Attached: NPC or AUTIST.jpg (1000x363, 34K)

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The picture flickers and it's hard to visualize the whole thing at once.


Oh look it's this thread again. I'm sure the people who keep posting it over and over aren't the NPCs, amirite?

4th or 5th time this thread his hit today. Doesn't take an Einstein to notice

Not only can I visualize the apple in example 1, I can rotate it around on a 3D plane as if it were real right in front of me.

If you think that's impressive you should see my lucid dreams.

I can think of an apple but it looks just like the apple logo

Fellow lucid dreamer, how do you tell reality and dreams apart?

>visualizing the apple
i can literally perfectly visualize and FEEL the apple
i can imagine the taste, texture, color, temperature, smell, weight etc, literally everything about it
>internal monologues
yea duh, in my own voice too or i can do other voices if i want
most of the time im being an ass to myself
dont think so, if i do its very light

wowie you're so special and unique

Kinda this. I can visualize such things and even mess with them but the whole thing is 'vague' and I can't hold onto it for long.

Also, I have a hard time imagining things like a sword or something that is straight and keep it straight. It curves.

I can visualize a tornado that looks like my wigger neighbor sucking off a cat



sychopaths seem to suffer a kind of emotional poverty that limits the range and depth of their feelings. While at times they appear cold and unemotional, they are prone to dramatic, shallow and short-lived displays of feeling. Careful observers are left with the impression that they are play-acting and that little is going on below the surface.

Laboratory experiments using biomedical recorders have shown that psychopaths lack the physiological responses normally associated with fear. The significance of this finding is that, for most people, the fear produced by threats of pain or punishment is an unpleasant emotion and a powerful motivator of behavior. Not so with psychopaths; they merrily plunge on, perhaps knowing what might happen but not really caring.

Show us on the apple where they touched you

Diagnosed aspie here. I actually surpass 1 and can even use my mind to make the apple disintegrate into stardust and can make it larger or smaller. Can also astral project.

Nobody who "sees" can describe what's really happening to me. Do you LITERALLY see it with your eyeballs or is it in that forehead space above the eyes?

I went to the doctor and said I had my own voice in my head. They put me into a sanatorium and forced me to take meds.

Are you guys able to play music with your thoughts? I mean recreating an entire song in your head, and almost hearing it. Sometimes, whenever I don't have headphones, I just do that.

added challenge, right now, draw a pepe without looking at one first, just out of your head.

Attached: pepedrawaphantasia.jpg (622x643, 36.28K)


According to the experts, sociopaths experience "shallow" emotions. This means that virtually all of their emotions are fleeting, if they have them at all. Therefore, they feel a corrupted form of pleasure, and they can find things humorous in a brief, shallow sort of way. But they are unable to feel pure joy, because they are unable to feel real emotional pain. One cannot appreciate joy unless one has felt pain. Sociopaths can't find pleasure in the small things in life that make us normal people happy, such as watching a sunset or petting an animal or hugging another person. They only get a temporary, meaningless thrill out of things like sex or food or duping and manipulating others. That's why they are empty, and that's why they are so, so bored all of the time and tend to deal with their boredom by becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs (along with pursuing sexual "relationships" with multiple targets at the same time).

They seem to experience anger and envy in full force, though any rages they display are short-lived. They probably do not feel fear in the ways that normal people do, and so they cannot truly be depressed, or anxious, or stressed. Many sociopaths use anxiety and depression as pity plays. They are not actually experiencing these conditions; they are only pretending. For example, the sociopath I survived pretended to be “anxious” and “depressed” near the end of our encounter. I know it was faked because I later found out he began an intense relationship with a brand new, main target right when he started talking about the "anxiety" and "depression." That's not a coincidence. It means it was all a lie. Besides, during that time, he told me he's always been in control and that he can handle stress very well. He was always as cool as a cucumber around me, so he was most likely telling the truth in that statement.

But it comes from not feeling the full range of human emotions.

Another outcome of these abnormal emotions is that the charm that sociopaths turn on and the love bombing they do in the beginning of an encounter with a target is all an act. They are masters at impression management. They spend their entire lives watching people, mimicking and mirroring them, and then they use that knowledge to exploit others in order to get what they want. One thing is for sure...they do NOT feel bad about anything! They do not feel guilt or shame or remorse, because they do not care. This lack of caring also means that they do not demonstrate empathy for others. Remember, they do not feel real emotional pain, which prevents them from experiencing empathy.

Sociopaths also have a tendency to “hoover” targets back in because they want to use others and have power over them. Everything is a game, and they have to win. Any hoovering they do is about control. Sociopaths view others as objects, as “toys.” And, often, they decide that they are not quite done with their “toys.” It's apparently really fun for them to pick up a "toy," play with it, and throw it down, over and over and over again, until the toy is virtually destroyed.

But, the most significant and ominous result of this incurable emotional deficit is that sociopaths do not and cannot love others. The lack of normal feelings and the lack of empathy and love are the essence of what makes sociopaths so different from most human beings. It’s also what makes them evil. Only evil monsters view other people as “toys.”

Also diagnosed me with schizophrenia. Guys don't tell those things to "them" or you'll be hunted down.

I visualize something inbetween 1 and 2

Attached: pepe aphantasia.png (1360x914, 9.49K)

have all 3

i was actually just thinking about this today.

i can visualize a rough outline of an apple, the colors, and can imagine its form, but cannot visualize the complex shape. that is where i fall.

This is popular with the negroids who post here:


Most people accept that others have rights and obligations. The psychopath rejects this quid pro quo. As far as he is concerned, only might is right. People have no rights and he, the psychopath, has no obligations that derive from the "social contract". The psychopath holds himself to be above conventional morality and the law. The psychopath cannot delay gratification. He wants everything and wants it now. His whims, urges, catering to his needs, and the satisfaction of his drives take precedence over the needs, preferences, and emotions of even his nearest and dearest.

Consequently, psychopaths feel no remorse when they hurt or defraud others. They don't possess even the most rudimentary conscience. They rationalize their (often criminal) behavior and intellectualize it. Psychopaths fall prey to their own primitive defense mechanisms (such as narcissism, splitting, and projection). The psychopath firmly believes that the world is a hostile, merciless place, prone to the survival of the fittest and that people are either "all good" or "all evil". The psychopath projects his own vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and shortcomings unto others and force them to behave the way he expects them to (this defense mechanism is known as "projective identification"). Like narcissists, psychopaths are abusively exploitative and incapable of true love or intimacy.

yours is better

I used to have that issue. I think you got too much brain noise, gotta relax and try to let your subconscious do it for you fren

I can lierally rotate and slice the apple in my head. What I can't do is function in clownworld.

It feels like you're seeing it with your eyes to me. As if you close your eyes and now 'see' a different time and place from the same perspective as you would your eyes now.

The apple is in my house and my room is the background.

>closing your eyes to visualize something in your head

I can't be the only one that can visualize things as if they're happening right in front of me while my eyes are completely open, right? And then when something pulls me back into this reality it just fades away like turning down the alpha on a layer in photoshop.

Am I just a super-pneumatic in a world of NPCs or can other people visualize like this?

Attached: _1.png (432x353, 35.13K)

This is the breakdown for me. Does it "feel" like you're seeing or are you seeing? All I see when I close my eyes is lavalamp garbage. But I can think of a detailed apple.

desu i have a hard time picturing the apple even though i can imagine landscapes and places almost as accurate as real life.

>Can visualize the apple (to what degree, see picrel)
1, I'm a digital artist
>Has internal monologues
Yes, I'm a script writer
>Is autistic or suspects it.
Yes, I'm posting here.

Attached: 7623768456.png (352x383, 123.03K)

the kingdom of heaven is within you

But do you really see it or does it feel like you're retreating into your mind?

Me too, i got in the last thread late while discussing this and hit hit bump, hence the creation of this thread. But it's literally like my eyes are being glazed over (or under, it's internal) and I don't see anything besides what's inside my head, even though my eyes are open. Pretty uncomfortable when I'm driving, but my subconscious is pretty on point.

lmfao this post every time

Behaviorism has always been correct. Nobody is really "experiencing" anything. Only that which can be corroborated by multiple independent parties (e.g
a separate human report plus a nonhuman diagnostic tool plus an abstract predictive model) exists. The rest like "what it's like to see an apple" is just a set of behaviors plus some physiology involved for the connections between sensory organs and the brain, or between different parts of the brain.
Anyone who disagrees with this just happens to be wrong is all.

Attached: no.jpg (657x527, 33.23K)

5 I can wrap my mind around, but I don’t understand how you could have 2 3 or 4.

I'm always thinking about a million things at once which makes it hard for me to achieve 1 (but I can). I don't see any of the other images in 2, 3, 4, or 5 because I'm capable of 1. It's almost like I can't get a grasp on the 3D image itself which is why it goes away as quickly as it came. When I'm tired enough that my mind is calm I find myself not only able to picture stuff like 1 at will, I also find myself visualizing fully-detailed environments at random whether my eyes are closed or not. It's not a big deal to me though because I can't seem to even get immersed in these worlds I create as my mind isn't refined enough to keep the visualization going. I remember many years ago having a lucid dream where the street in front of my house was replaced with grass and trees. I got to explore it for a minute, but as soon as I got far enough into it the images started freezing and I found myself trying to stay immersed but it did no good. In my opinion, I woke up because I knew it wasn't real. Because my subconscious knew it was in another world, it likely stopped it and woke me up as a defense mechanism. I'm surprised I was able to fight it by keeping the images frozen and not waking up immediately.

Feels. Not physically seeing anything but blackness.