They Told You The Vaccine Was Going To Sterilize

Don't be surprised if the vaccine causes sterilization, they told us this would happen.

"As planned, the Emergency Population Control Bill will take effect at midnight on the first of the year. Eager citizens are already lining up for the sterilization procedure which will be open around the clock to aid in the transition for what the president termed "A clean break from procreation."

Pic related, the film Hardware.

Sounds of the past made for the future:

Post any preprogramming for sterilization you have found.

Attached: Hardware.jpg (950x580, 110.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Amerimutts back to sliding with the Amerimutt virus larp again

This song is fucking kino user. Proper 90's vibes, many thanks.

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Hardware is a great film.

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So fucking good.
And the soundtrack was also fucking amazing. If any anons have not listened to it, I highly _highly_ recommend.

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Wife and I are both J&J vaxxed and expecting a child in a few months.

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If the vaccine causes sterilization we will never know because 1/3 of men are virgins, people are having less sex, when they do have sex it’s gay sex or anal sex, pregnancies get aborted, zoomers are all LGBT, and millennials aren’t having kids. Those who deviate from the above trends are more likely to be unvaccinated

Man I’m watching the newer x files and this shit with the vaccine causing aids in the show is tripping me out. This was in like 2018

Wait, there's a reference to vaxxaids?
Which season / episode?

>Post any preprogramming for sterilization you have found.

The way my parents treated me automatically disqualifies them for grandparent status. They're just bad people, slaves to the media.

Look up the last 2 seasons made. On Hulu I think. Watch the last episode of the season from 2016

Holding out that the one shot J&J doofuses like yourself and my fucking family are alright.
>I hope you make it user, I personally don't like funerals.

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Let them go if you love them.

Talks about a gene editing vaccine that ruins everyone’s immune system, then a virus is released that kills everyone that got the vaccine. Fucking weird

Stop noticing things.

Wrong person.


You seem very confused about 1990s music. God Zoomers are idiots.

Listen chum, you're more likely to beat one out to Elsa Jean getting pounded on than you are to ask a gal to lunch. You KNOW this. The Jew has won, send me your "roasties" you gormless eunuchs Daddy is hungry!

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You evidently never listened to 90's electro, scrub. Although I will admit EDM might have been 2000's. It's all a bit blurry.

Thanks, i'll check it out.