Why make the truth illegal?

>war in Ukraine
>”sir that’ll be 10 yrs in jail”
Now the population is afraid and less unified
But the truth is still evident. It’s still a war despite what the government says

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The extends beyond the war vs special operation thing obviously

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It is not only about what is happening now. It is about what will be written in the history books. Just like the Holocaust

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>you cannot say “the sun shines” you must say “mother Russia radiates” on a warm day
>polcucks “omg heckin based!”
Just a hypothetical but it makes no sense what Russia is doing. I guess they can control the population easier when they’re scared

>making the truth illegal and bending it to your own liking

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> no /chug/
this place really is run by the cia

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>Why make the truth illegal?
Because goyim don't deserve to know.

Reminds me of the covid pandemic.
The west keeps screaming about how censored russia is, how much it lies, and how you can't even call this thing a war here lest you want to be imprisoned for decades immediately.
Meanwhile, I'm here, free, and so is everyone else around me, including a couple of idiots who are openly against the war.

I literally saw one in the catalog 2 secs ago

Posting anonymously on an American image board
There’s thousands of pics and vids of Russians getting arrested for holding up puny signs of blank signs even. Babushkas, little girls, thinks, they arrest all
Nice try fsb

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Puny signs, blank signs even*
Twinks not thinks*
Fucking autocorrect.

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Putin's approval rating is 30% higher than Biden.

The real disinformation is coming from the USA.

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Yeah, right, what do I know. You'd obviously know better than me about what's happening in my country.
And your entire life won't be cancelled in america for holding a sign saying anything negative about niggers. Nah. That is that, and this is this, anyway.

Is it true or fake news that you aren't allowed to call it war?

>Meanwhile in 'free liberal democracies'

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The media can't
As for the regular people, they haven't prosecuted anyone JUST for this yet

Every single person I know is calling it a war. Not just on anonymous imageboards, but openly in public as well. And none of the people I know were arrested.

You obviously don’t know retard it’s nota secret. You’re sitting in your moms basement

>And your entire life won't be cancelled in america for holding a sign saying anything negative about niggers. Nah. That is that, and this is this, anyway.

the government can't arrest you for saying nigger in public, which is why Any Forums can exist. Just look at how sosach must use a .hk domain, it's because calling putin a faggot is illegal in russia and sosach's owners, admins, mods and jannies would all be put into prison for allowing such content to exist. In America, fuck biden bumper stickers can be bought at most county fairs and people can scream nigger nigger nigger all they want without the government putting them in jail