Why do white American men tolerate overt discrimination against them in employment and education

It gets worse with each passing day, and yet they do nothing and say nothing. Will they ever stand up for themselves?

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I guess you didn't notice that the nfl is in the toilet.

I guess you didn’t notice this is happening in every organization simultaneously.

Sounds like a discrimination lawsuit

>Get paid millions to assist someone in being offensive towards minorities or females
I can do both. Sign me up coach.

Stop supporting nigger ball.

the good times bad times weak men strong men cycle takes 2 generations, we're the 2nd generation of weak men, the ones that live through the hard times.

Were you replaced by a negro recently?


>offensive assistant coach

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Just complete and total apathy, If not for the second amendment, they would have been wiped out in 2020 when gov suspended rule of law.

Because no one wants to go to court and pay money to expose themselves publicly as midwits.

Look around, user. Check out the sites of every corporation and every university. They have all made diversity, equity, and inclusion a priority. Notice which group is absent from even being mentioned? Do you think that is an accident or oversight? We are in the midst of some type of social revolution in which hierarchical structures of competence are being replaced with hierarchical structures of identity, and straight white men are on the very bottom.

it's fuckin nigger ball aka the greatest american jewish distraction, who cares?

That's not how it works, you fucking retard.

I'll take that as a no.

>forget about being replaced, goy

This. Fuck the west for what they did to us.

Not yet, but it’s getting to that point. Just yesterday my company had an all hands meeting to notify us their diversity, equity, and inclusion is now a top priority. This was told to us by a black woman who had a picture of a black power fist on the wall behind her. She also notified us that the organization is working to make preferred pronoun use mandatory in all correspondence. You may not see it yet, but it’s coming in the next few years, and it will absolutely turn the world upside down.

Rex Christus est; Deus rex est!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

yes it is, our parents were idiots complaining about living in the absolute all time peak of spending power in the 90s but they were raised strong even if they didn't raise us. Our generation was utterly abandoned by these divorcee retards and is also weak.

There is actually an old anti-discrimination rule that made players not want to hire minority assistant coaches. Basically if you poach a staff member from another team and make them your assistant coach, and that individual was a minority, the team that originally had the person gets an extra third round draft pick. The end result of this was that people stopped hiring non-white assistant coaches because doing so is literally giving away draft capital to your enemy.

>She also notified us that the organization is working to make preferred pronoun use mandatory in all correspondence.
use void / voidself
take their shit tests to the absurd. if they want to make you dance, dance like a monkey

I am the primary breadwinner for my family in a time of rampant inflation and insane home prices. I simply can’t afford to lose my job. The system has me by the balls, and I don’t know what else to do.

What is it like being a secretary?