I come here to laugh at you idiots and feel better about myself

I come here to laugh at you idiots and feel better about myself.

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Laughing at virgins with retardation? I think you just earned your seat in the ninth circle

My mom, sisters browse here. There are "hipster" zoomers to cringe boomers here. Sverige elsker svart dritt hud innvandrere og det er landet av sorgen på død riket for alltid.

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Try saying any commonly accepted scientific FACT in any thread and laugh as you get 100s of (you)s from seething losers. It always brightens my day, if I'm having a bad day I come here and think "damn, at least I'm not these fucking losers"

>I come here to laugh at you idiots and feel better about myself.
Is it helping?

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And you will stay here and share our pain...see the wonders we have to show you. The truths that will crush you and the horrors that will harden you.

Are you pro-car centric city planning or against car-centric city planning?

>science confuses and enrages the Any Forumsyp
many such cases

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I come here to coom to WMBF porn.

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Thats sad.

lol nigger

You are being violently fed forcepills whether you realize it or not.

Same here it always makes me feel better about myself when I see these people

>makes me feel better about myself
Sounds like you're a huge loser.

I am, but you people remind me it could be a lot worse

Jokes on you.

crying wojak with smiling wojak face.gfif

>admits he's a loser
>admits he's comparing himself to a projection of his own insecurity
You're a loser. Nothing about our superiority will change that.


Yes, I am. I'm your pathetic little piggy

I come here to spew bullshit and see if anyone challenges me on the baseless claims I make about topics I am only slightly aware of.


The fire rises brother

Damn, get some friends.

Give us an example. But at least we just laugh at you. When we do the same to you, you just censor it. Why are you so scared of words?