What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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Gotta get ahead of the "White Replacement" fall out.

economic majority is what matters, someone needs to gib

you are WHITE if you are Republican even you are a spic or a nigger.

"Minority" in certain contexts doesn't mean numerical minority. For example, sometimes women are classed as a minority group, despite the fact they are a numeric majority, and nobody would consider hockey fans to be a minority, even though numerically they are.

In the context of society, "minority" means "holds a minority of social power" not "has smaller size than the outgroup"

Women want minority points despite the fact they are not a minority. We seriously need to murder all women.

This is it - i took some sociology classes in 2019 and they argued with a straight face whites were the majority in south Africa because of their access to power and resources

Whites are now outnumbered so they are looking for uses to not count us as a minority and protected class

So Jewsm gays and blacks are the majority in the US?

>What did they mean by this?
That even if you are a white minority like in california, you still have to pay for niggers and spics!

when white people are actually a minority in their own countries due to corporate jew pushed mass immigration they won't be given special privileges and double standards like "minorities" have today

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As number increase and their excuses fade, they find themselves still niggerbrained losers.

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Preparing the narrative early for when the country is 20% white 2 decades from now yet affirmative action still exists, hate crime laws still exist, etc. (all against whites of course)

It means "we need a new narrative if white replacement works"

>whoa dude is up really down?
>hey guys isn't the alphabet just numbers for words?
>y'all folx ever realize doors aren't windows?

More Orwellian shit from the pedo media
fake news at 11

you'd think so

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Jews are so insane they are going to open Pandora box.


They're beginning to realize being a minority has nothing to do with numbers and everything to do with skin color. It's only so long until all the minorities willfully take their place at the foot of the white man once again.

pre-bunking the idea that even though the majority of the country will be brazil tier half nigger abominations within the next couple decades, white people still be racis and shit

You can't be a minority unless Jewish overlords are happy about it.

I just want them all to leave

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Africa whites should not be considered minority or something like that