WW3 postponed to May: CERN pushed the reset button

I have some good news and bad news. Well, you probably feel a little sick since yesterday don't you? Suddenly coming home and seeing all these threads about the fresh prince of Belair slapping some has been out of no where. Almost like hitting a big speed hump and adjusting your vision, you likely feel a little disorientated.

The good news is WW3 is postponed to May, April will be relatively peace and without any large escalation.

CERN was activated exactly when they said it would, in March. But not anymore. You will notice now that CERN no longer claims to intend to activate in March despite there being plenty of articles claiming this was their intention. This is not a "Mandela effect" since they control the generation of these articles entirely. They kept the original articles with their intent, but now have new articles that directly contradict it, claiming they will start it up in May instead.

The decision that was correct this time was Biden's speech against Putin. This was also offset by relaxing the financial war against Russia to strengthen the inner 5th column.

The bad news is again, it will happen again in May. You should use the month of April to get somewhere safe, there is no telling when CERN itself will be hit by a surprise attack, removing the prospect of savestate cheating.

You have been warned.

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Meds status:

Dark matter isn't real, CERN has been nothing but a huge waste of time and money, the higgs bosen is a literal cope

where should i go i live in n america, where should i hid, what should i buy?

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fippy bippy

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>Dark matter isn't real
>the higgs bosen is a literal cope
All of QED is fake and damage control for the discovery that particles can be made to travel backwards in time, which was realised by Ernst Stueckelberg in 1941.
It took a great deal of energy to do so it could only really be harnessed in the late 80s.
To have the full effect of sending information backwards in time, the modern network and eventually the "world wide web" had to be invented, guess by who? Yes, CERN.
And what was the first website on the internet? CERN's.
>nothing but a huge waste of time and money
You know better than this.

Attached: cernwww.png (1328x500, 338.76K)

my penis pushed your button in the face

Yesterday as I was leaving my bedroom my whole house shook like there was an earthquake and my bedroom door, as I was holding the knob, pulsed back and forth like a pressure wave was moving through the house.

I'm schizo enough to believe.

Two more weeks

5 and a half more weeks actually.
May 8.
>I'm schizo enough to believe.
They're rubbing it in your face at this point.

Attached: cern.png (1344x1428, 2.1M)

How does it work?

Have you asked John Titor for confirmation?

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>How does it work?
They can send information backwards in time, compressed down to a single number which represents a timestamp of a decision that consequentially starts WW3.

I can go into the physics a little bit more, but you have to reject QED and accept something a little "weirder" that they've suppressed ever since the Copenhagen interpretation took hold.

Just think about the massive energy it would take to run CERN and the current energy shortage that is about to hit Europe. Why didn't they conduct the experiment when scheduled to in March?
They told you when they would do it, on March 28, the same day as the "famous slap".

Attached: beam-commissioning.png (1288x240, 62.08K)

So is it going to send our consciousness back in time or not.

this coincides wtih the south park mandela effect

Ask he might also have the "reading steiner".
Time doesn't work that way, think of it more as a few particles going backwards in time while carrying some information, to collide with a apparatus set up to be sensitive to them.

Your soul (consciousness) is not in one timeline but spans your lifetime. You are in every single possible timeline but there is only one timeline, which can in fact be modified.

No. Time is not linear so the only thing this is doing is shedding the current timeline. This thing doesn't send data "back in time" it sends it to a parallel universe. But now the question is are (((they))) trying to partition help from a different dimension or shed us from the ability to stop their degeneracy?

>I can go into the physics a little bit more,
Please go on.

Herrenmensch Schwanzmensch

>Please go on.
What's been taught as a "particle-wave" is actually two separate entities, a particle and a wave it rides upon. But it's not a two dimensional wave, but a 3 dimensional wave if you can imagine it. The particle surfs on one edge of that wave.
The wave and the particle*, as originally envisioned by De Broglie, act like an ocean wave and a surf board, with the wave and particle interacting in a way that gives all particles apparent motion and inertia.

But when the energy gets high enough... we see something very strange. We see particles disappearing, and energy (photons) appearing. We also sometimes see particles appearing, in pairs, one positively charged and another negatively charged. Ernst Stueckelberg was the first recorded scientist in this timeline that realise those two particles were the same particle... but one of them is that particle travelling backwards in time. On the other hand the energy wave that appears when they disappear shows you that the particle has "bounced" out backwards in time (that's why you see it going back).

The math all works out if you eliminate the Copenhagen interpretation which deliberately adds randomness to obscure the non-locality of the physics involved.

[Part 1]

* (which can be an electron or a proton, but nothing else, neutrons/neutrinos are artefacts of bad modelling, not an important point but I'm trying to be thorough)

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>tfw felt a deja vu today

>Unironically just two more weeks
In all fields.

>On the other hand the energy wave that appears when they disappear shows you that the particle has "bounced" out backwards in time (that's why you see it going back).
Not extremely interesting, you can get that interpretation from Feynman.
>* (which can be an electron or a proton, but nothing else, neutrons/neutrinos are artefacts of bad modelling, not an important point but I'm trying to be thorough)
This sounds more interesting. How do atoms work then?

If you accept the motion of a particle is perfectly defined by the wave it rides upon, you get something very very strange: The non-local wave stores ALL of the information about the particle past motion, to the extent that with a large enough "bounce", it can be made to ride the opposite side of the wave and retrace all of its previous steps.

A physical (mechanical, macroscopic) analogy of Quantum mechanics can actually be constructed with cheap and available materials and demonstrates what I mean:

How this would interact in the case of many many particles appearing is complicated, you need a massive number of computers to reconstruct the original motion... and with it any information it may have encoded.

That's why CERN uses a massive cluster of computers to do exactly that: reconstruction of particle trajectories:


Attached: particle.png (864x400, 231.32K)

>reset button
I was promised we’d all end up back in 2012. GAY.

Our Bavarian hardliner, Markus Söder, today made the announcement that starting Saturday, the large part of Covid restrictions will be suspended.

Yes, the two parallel universes are re-aligning.

is all this similar to the "LookingGlass" project where they look into the future, or are they actually looking at this info coming back into the past? I have done a few digs on LookingGlass and seen lots of insider testimony videos, i kinda know how it works, and the info can clearly be used to change things by making sure something does/doesn't happen on the current timeline to change the outcome of the future.

You must be the user who went in depth last week on CERN ?

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Question. Is this somehow related to the plot of Mr. Robot?
Because I noticed this shit was happening when I started watching that show.

>Not extremely interesting, you can get that interpretation from Feynman.
In fact Feynman bastardised the original interpretation which is how you've come to know it.
>This sounds more interesting. How do atoms work then?
Think of a neutron as a proton and a electron in a deeper ground state that is unstable *unless* bounded by 2 protons and another "neutron".
Neutrinos make no sense if you think about it for a second -- how do you get a three way collision to happen with non-zero probability? They were created out of a mistaken attempt to balance momentum without thinking in 3 dimensions. Initially the invention of the neutron was meant to be the neutrino but after a few more fudge factors, we arrived at today's model which does not explain the obvious structure in atoms and is unable to model mass defect.

You can read more about an alternate (and far more compelling) model here: structuredatom.org

Attached: the nature of atom cover atom front updated.jpg (321x480, 19.54K)

>to strengthen the inner 5th column
Russian 5th column or American 5th column?

Why WW3 when you can just say US/Allies vs Russia

I didn't know that but nothing surprises me anymore. Of course C*RN was the harbinger.

can someone explain what CERN has to do with anything without sounding like an incoherent maniac?

change 30 to 3.0, only used one black box, retards in shambles