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I really can't think of any president who hasn't committed numerous criminal acts.

>obama did his job that makes him a tyrant

and you're a pedophile, see the problem?

Laughs in your accusation trump can pull pushy because he is a Chad you haters hate that shit seeth bitch...yet the biden family are factually all pedos..read the diary...

So none?

didn't you hear, chud? he got a whole in one. all his pussy grabbing has been expunged.

Based. Grab her right by the pussy

fred drumph jr was in hillel house an orthodox jewish frat you cannot enter if your family isnt orthodox jewish its on wikipedia look it up

the steele dossier was twice confirmed by independent intelligence sources

So he doesn't support biden anymore?

This is the shill who cashes checks directly from the DNC, yeah?

Says the literal DNC shill. Fuck off.

pedo jew drumph was named 17 times in ghislane maxwells testimony


Oh like voter fraud which Biden admitted to or war crimes like Bush admitted to or lying under oath like Clinton admitted to or like document fraud like we caught Obama red handed doing?

he's literally a paid DNC shill

I hear he's going to prison in 2 weeks

are you talking about hunter, joe and Hillary?

You'll have to be way, way more specific than that. Doesn't really narrow down who he's talking about at all.

He dropped more bombs than the US did in WW2. Think about that. You're retarded shill ass probably doesn't even know what countries we were bombing. The US is a raging lunatic internationally. Foreigners hate us because we blow up embassies and shell schools and bomb hospitals in nations that didn't like Israel bombing schools. Obama is a war criminal, just no court high enough to hold him accountable. He also maked the Nobel Peace Prize into a complete joke. I've never even heard about it after he got it. >1M dead, Nobel Peace Prize. Niggers really do have a different set of laws. The media can't stop sucking his dick no matter how shit things got.

I'm glad he wants Biden gone.

>like voter fraud which Biden admitted to

you mean you don't believe in magic ballots in the middle of the night 100% for one candidate in the exact number needed to win

What document fraud did Obama commit? You mean he faked his birth certificate and was actually born in Kenya?

Says the kike pedophile

remember what ((time)) said about nato bombing serbia

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