I found some pics of my great granfather and his friends from 100 years ago. They seem happy...

I found some pics of my great granfather and his friends from 100 years ago. They seem happy. Do you think their lives were better than ours?

I also found some documents. His father bough him and all his other children land to farm and to build houses so they wouldnt fight over anything after his death. He was a blacksmith, imagine having a trade that could buy you land for 5 people in todays world

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This was his wedding

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Nice blog. I really enjoyed it. Will you be posting again tomorrow?

>Do you think their lives were better than ours?
Why is he disrupting your le incel threads

>Nice blog. I really enjoyed it. Will you be posting again tomorrow
Here s a nice old building

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>doxxxing yourself

>doxxxing yourself
You recognized the horse thats been dead for 85 years??? MY LIFE IS OVER AAAAA

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>Nice blog. I really enjoyed it. Will you be posting again tomorrow
I will only partake in threads about bbc and hunter bidens dick

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> Yes
There was no indoor plumbing.
High infant mortality.
Lack of access to high quality medicine.
No electricity.
No Uber Eats.
No iPhone and hot chip.

Esti ori oltean ori cioară

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>implying there's a difference

>There was no indoor plumbing.
Big deal
>High infant mortality.
It was 100 years ago not in the middle ages, all his brothers and sisters lived
>Lack of access to high quality medicine.
This is a down
>No electricity.
Again this was 100 years ago user they had electricity
>No Uber Eats.
The horror
>No iPhone and hot chip.

>Live in the pod goy and eat the bugs
No thanks.
I would rather die at the ripe old age of 3 months than live and die like a slave for some kikes.

They were happy because 2/4 look like Transylvanian Saxons.

>They were happy because 2/4 look like Transylvanian Saxons.
Many trasilvanian saxons in a village next to bulgaria

> I would rather die at the ripe old age of 3 months than live and die like a slave for some kikes.
Hysterical much

good times. What are they drinking, user? tea?

Oh vai mama mea...au venit ardelenii

No, just tired of faggots like you that cry muuuuhhh iphoooonee anytime somebody praises the past.

By the bottle on the table i think its plum brandy

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They were happier because they had to work to survive which gave their lives meaning

Are you seriously dense. I was joking.

Go bump some slidethreads faggot.
Simpler times, happier times, simple as.

I have had real human beings irl say word for word what you wrote whenever I say something good about the past you might have meant it as a joke but I just got ptsd flashbacks from dealing with morons irl.