The Heroes of the century

These guys who fought alone against the entire and powerful russian army. Delayed all russian plans and after many victories they fought fiercely until the last man. Very brave!

In the future they will be remember as legendary fighters just as we remember spartans now. Fantastic!

Maximum Respect.

Attached: 180629-azov-leaders.jpg (800x533, 138.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>in the future they will be

They are as gay as the original nazis

Attached: Nazis are og trannies.jpg (661x1024, 98.04K)

>reeeeeeeee azog kikerinos rape r*ssoids veterans of ww2!1!1

Attached: muslims.jpg (572x668, 85.24K)

Jews and nazis have always fought together against Christians

Attached: Gaggle of jesuits .jpg (666x1024, 94.13K)

Attached: 1648543148884.jpg (860x799, 236.17K)

>In the future they will be remember as legendary fighters...

They caught some trying to leave with civies dressed as women. The leader got his helicopter shot down as he tried to bail on his subordinates.

Willing to torture civilians but not willing to stick around to fight actual soldiers.

Attached: Based_Lavrov.jpg (600x450, 92.9K)

haha the two guys are manlets

Lmfaaaoooo that image!


Attached: 1648215932271.png (1500x498, 283.13K)

Tools of Jewish supremacy

Attached: 1647390065655.jpg (712x1024, 116.85K)

Azov is funded by Israeli Igor Kolomoisky.

Attached: azov 5.jpg (750x430, 40.02K)

The ADL is defending Azov, think about that for a minute.

Attached: adl defends azov 2.png (982x771, 647.72K)

Attached: adl defends azov.jpg (1004x1024, 106.29K)

great bait

Does that means that russia is jews-free? I don't think so

Who has claimed that? No one. All major powers are Jewed. The distinction here is this, by posing as Nazis, Azov would have us believe they are a solution, when in fact they are part and parcel of the problem, International Jewry. The *lie* is the distinction.

Is he even Arier? Someone hand me the skull measurement tool please.

that's how a REAL nazi looks like


Attached: 1637710817423.jpg (800x533, 63.95K)

I'm going to start screenshoting these and make a collage of your scripted shilling.

Literal zogbots controlled by Israel first kikes

If Christians were for truth then they wouldn't be Christians.

Not an argument, Azog are still zogbots

eurocucks seethe
cuz most of them are cowards

>Muslims invading Europe
you mean our politicians (who support you) invited them?

>hate russians because of soviet occupation
>call yourself a national socialist
>not because you support the ideology
>not because you respect it's core tenets
>but because a national socialist helped you fight soviets during WWII
>false equivalency
>somehow that still makes you a national socialist
>pic rel

Attached: 1489284324507.jpg (480x477, 28.45K)

It's actually true.

Attached: 193478455t745.png (543x502, 443.35K)

Worshipping a Jewish rabbi as a god is a fine argument. You worship a Jewish rabbi but denounce White Nationalists that receive money second and third hand from Jewish oligarchs.

They will only be remembered as slayers of civilians, every time a news outlet run a propaganda piece on them people will talk about the reality they remember from back then, only shills and msm pretend they are heroes, you live in a bubble