How do you afford taxes?

I make $65,000 a year and that would be comfortable to live on but with tax I find it almost impossible to keep my head above water. I just did my taxes and noticed that I paid $10,000 in federal tax, $4,500 in provincial tax, $1,000 in EI tax and $3,200 in property tax.

I estimate my sales tax burden at $2,000 on top of that and i'm not sure what my carbon/gas tax burden is but I commute 130km each day. That leaves me with about $39,000 or 60% of the income, that I worked very hard to earn, before I have to pay for my monthly bills.

I am drowning under all of these taxes and it makes me very depressed.

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you're paying to give men fake vaginas, old boomers who inherited the word extra money, a chunk to ukraine who is a corrupt country running biolabs, a bunch of money for women's rights in iran, and you're paying for every retard that works in the government who does 1 hr max work per week.

Congrats, you're participating in the biggest ponzi scheme in humanity.

But think of the free health care you get in return for being taxed a little more, its a small price to pay that benefits you and your fellow citizens.

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why would you work for any of that?

I work for a multinational that pays for actually good healthcare in the USA. If I was American I would make the same rate in USD and have better healthcare.

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If I don't participate I starve. I cannot not participate.

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Why would you pay taxes ? dont pay them, put it in crypto and once you make milions do not pay it, also if they threaten you with jail, go there, but do not pay them.

Ok, but your taxes still beneift fellow canadians who arent as fortunate as you, you should be proud to pay taxes.

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I don't pay taxes. Fuck the IRS.

LAME. Why can't they work like I do?

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>Your money goes to niggers


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Just stop paying, stop complying, take all your money out the bank cuz Trudeau will freeze that shit.

Not a solution you stupid fucking mutt. I can't go bankrupt and live with my parents, that would be worse than blowing my brains all over my condo.

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More true in muttmerica, minus the benefit of free healthcare.
Your god emperor even wanted to give $500 billion in reperations.

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Where is this from

Non communist way is to give 10 or 20% of what you make and thats all.

I give 90% to taxes and 5 health insurances because we are run by commies.

Self employment taxes here in the JewSA are pretty bad too. An addition 15.3% on top of everything else. If you're in the 22% bracket or whatever, it means you're paying 37%. fucking insane.

Some Korean interview channel, I forgot and YouTube search sucks nigger balls now.

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No one told you to go bankrupt, but going bankrupt on paper is a good thing. Hide all your money user before the government takes it.

YouTube and Google search is manipulated and curated to the point of being basically unusable now.
It doesn't even really care what you search it just scans your cookies and watch history and shows you stuff it thinks you might watch based on that.

When you have ulcers from wagie stress or get gutshot with bullets or STDs in a diversity or inclusion sharing episode you'll have great medical care though. Why are you complaining?

I was actually looking to invest in the Sprott PSLV silver trust because I thought "well canada would be the least likely to raid a silver vault" then fucking the bank accounts of truckers happened.