If you support Russia

If you support Russia and Jewtin, you are unirionically controlled opposition, shilling for Communism, Multicultrualism and the UN. You are shilling for everything you say you hate about the west, you are justifying the same exact actions by Russia.

>Muh Yugoslavia
See Chechnya
>Muh Assad
See Haftar's rebels
>Muh Iraq
See Ukraine
>Saudis and Israel
See China and Iran
>Muh regime change
Says the ones demanding regime change at home on a daily basis.

Fucking incel neets.

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war is over it ended today.

I try my hardest to see the light in this, but the fact that you people always sound like obvious shills using retard child talk and coupled with the fact that irredeemable person in the US is whole heartedly pulling their hysteria to the upmost level for Ukraine… it’s very hard for me to buy in.

There are anarchists and nazis on both sides.
It's a true post-modern war.

which part about russia makes it communist?

>shilling for Communism, Multicultrualism and the UN

Russia hates all of these dumbfuck

>If you support Russia you're controlled opposition
Wow, it's just like what mainstream media says.
It's almost, as if, OP is a shill

Shut up. Go home. Collect your interaction shekel. Bitch.

I cringe at woke companies virtue signaling for Ukraine too. But Russia is no friend, I don't even support war with Russia over them using WMDs. But the point is Russia is as bad as many say the west is if not worse, and they are strengthening and reviving Communism under the guise of nationalism like Stalin. Take the redpill user

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the world is black and white! so saith i, you are not allowed to entertain fringe thooughts and narratives

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Keep telling yourself that dumb fuck.

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Everything retard

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You're the one with the black and white retard mentality, failing to realize being anti-Russia doesn't make you pro-faggot, rather it makes you anti-Subhuman.

Always the same big nosed, homosexual and insane shit.

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Go back to twitter retard and keep posting about Russia's gains while you pretend you're a liberated free thinker careful to only retweet the based blue checkmarks.

Having numerous friends whom work for mil intelligence, and having myself done a few temporary short assignments, and later being offered a full time permanent job (which I turned down), I know a few things, actually I know a lot of things, I know the world isn’t what you think, your perception of how things are is a pretence and you’re ignorant if this.
I support Russia although admittedly their special operation to stop the attacking pro Russian separatist areas and persecution of ethnic Russians and stopping human rights abuses and war crimes, admittedly they overstepped so to speak and are using that as an excuse to try to seize other areas if Ukraine, but Ukraine brought this on itself.

Nice try but you guys still suck.

Undeniable facts
>Communists support Russia
>Russia supports Ukrainian Communists
>Russia labeled its mission a Denazification mission (gay as hell)
>Faggots simp for Russia daily

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American communists are not real communists. They are clownswho do not know they surve a purpose to be clowns and undermine real communists from ever getting traction in the country.

>fucking incel neets
you just couldn't subvert effectively you had throw in a identifying insult. You fucking redditors have to be the stupidest people on earth.

>Go back to Twitter
>Knows Twitter is the cesspool of leftist ideology and msm
>Doesn't see the hypocrisy of what Ukraine is doing
>Only focuses on "muh Russia"
Wew, it's like 2014 all over again

>but Ukraine brought this on itself.
Ukraine isn't a person capable of deciding something, and jews are taking the decisions from both sides, using this drama for a lot of parallel goals as always.