How does a counterintelligence agent sleep at night? hard mode: serious answer; this is an ethical dilemma

how does a counterintelligence agent sleep at night? hard mode: serious answer; this is an ethical dilemma

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Because "need to know" has nothing to do with opsec

>how does a counterintelligence agent sleep at night
They believe in what they're doing or what they get out of it is worth more than they put into it


Comfy in my bed.

the one I killed with a garrote sleeps forever

checked. so because you believe in the integrity of the operation you think the “white lie” justifies the means

checked, but manipulating another human implies a breaching of fundamental considerations of morals and ethics, no matter which angle you approach, so their is a constitutional difference between people who can lie abd manipulate for money and who cannot. calling it purely utilitarian denies individual considerations towards personal standwrds of conduct

checked, but doesnt your conscience weigh upon you? due you ever reflect on your behaviour or motives?


>so their is a constitutional difference between people who can lie abd manipulate for money and who cannot
May be the case but I can't imagine it is very often where counterintelligence is actually needed, and when it is, you only need a few people, so even if the type of person is rare its irrelevant as you don't need many to begin with

No bright green IDs. Glowies are not with us

Still there are giant teams of those services to enforce every minor decision the big nosed homos want to enforce.

checked but im not talking about rarity im talking about how you can be okay manipulating people and sleep well

(((You))) don't feel remorse, repulsion towards nigger behavior and a lot of other emotional responses Homo Sapiens feel.

you have to physically and mentally exhaust yourself daily

They don't see themselves as part of our tribe.
Their superiors will blow smoke up their ass and act like they're heros.

As spoken by the favela monkey

i’m not a glowie but if i was i wouldn’t care because you’re all useless sheep who SHOULD be controlled


omg u said the n-word!!!!!!1

How is this an ethical dilemma. There are threats to a system of belief. They need to be exposed and the fuggers hunted down and caught. Far better to hunt individuals who think they are better than you to the point of subverting your countrys ideology than to hunt small perps that grab the occasional waitresses ass or lie about stealing something at the local grocery store. Just saying.

You get caught recently? Or are you really just into kids?

Did James Angleton sleep?
No , really... did he?