
Why does Any Forums eat up Russian bullshit

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Kill yorself canadian hohol
Go back to your ancestors land or you're a pussy

Incels who think Putin is trying to destroy globohomo, and if he succeeds they'll be able to get a girlfriend.

I’ve seen nothing faggots shitposting pro ukraine stuff on here. I’m trying to not give a fuck, but when the same people I want to see lined up and shot won’t stop simping for it, it makes me like Russia. Everyone I hate and want to see dead is against Russia, why should I join the hate train with these rats in human disguise, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And you people are my enemy.

>it’s because of sex
No, it’s because the people I want to kill are all jerking off for Ukraine. I don’t think Putin is killing globohomo, I just want to see you people die and suffer as much as possible and will give my full heart and effort to supporting anything that may end up contributing to that.

That would actually mean Ukraine for a large amount of us.

Least out West.

Be honest, it's better to call airstrike on your, rather living in Russia.

rent free

i've never seen that bottom story posted on Any Forums

Because infortunately most guys are contrarians who simply support what redditors/leftists hate

If today redditors/leftists would hate Communism, then every faggot here would become a Tankie Atheist cuck

Then go do a mass shooting, weakling.

Any Forums is full of underage, contrarian edgy kids

you minus 300 pounds and 3 teeth

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Why do you eat up Ukrainian bullshit? Or Canadian, for that matter?

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Are you retarded? This place is full of anti-russian threads.
Open the catalog, idiot.

Imagine that a gay nigger slapping a clown nigger is more important to the USA than some lame war between two groups of Russians?

Imagine that your fighting and dying for jews is less important than two niggers barely having an incident.

Ukraine v. Russia < nigger slaps

Didn't read anything; don't have to - Putin is wiping the floor. Stay mad jewboy

Canadian flag again. This same tranny makes like 2 dozen pro-CIA threads a day. You'll notice that now. Look for his flag whenever you see a glowie thread like this.

They won't zapadents bindera-worshipers are pussies with jewish mentality

Prove that the airstrike fact isnt fake. Otherwise you are wrong.

Low IQ. Seriously. Low IQ.

Bottom actually happened though

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>Why does Any Forums eat up Ukrainian bullshit

Who knows really...

You have to have mental retardation in order to believe western media and propaganda lol

Why do you continue to post those moronic black and white sketches of the dipshit with his mouth open?

We leafs have principle. You lost all hope and will to fight for your culture and you people. You will ask "what culture? what people?", and I will say the one you gave up on, you pathetic cynical fuck.

All the threads where people choosing sides either Russia or Ukraine are all glow niggers and you are a glownigger also. Pol is just against Jews and understands both sides are Jew controlled.

Your D&C psy-op of trying to make us choose either Russia or Ukraine is not working you kike JIDF faggots

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OK tranny.