Sorry for the chimping out thing

>sorry for the chimping out thing

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>i am a work in progress
>jada is perfek tho

see a nigger, pull the trigger

Fuck damn wtf happened with this man. He should have just let it sit. He did what he did. Apologizing doesnt fix it. it just makes him look like even more of a cuck.

See a chud, pull the plug

This is the gayest shit I've seen in years

And this is why we pull the trigger when we see a nigger.

The man is pushing 60 and he's a "work in progress??"

Jewish hands wrote that

EXCUSES . I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS APOLOGY FROM BLACK PPL AS A WHOLE. i do however have a plan where they could work off what I feel they owe me for being a problem for so long. its a live in worker that gets no money type thing.

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>my wife has so much testosterone he loses hair
>you can't make fun of that, it's a serious medical condition!!
You'd think she has stage 4 cancer.

Jada got alopecia from STDs. Syphilis and HIV are both known to cause hair loss. Jada's whoring around cause her loss of hair.

>indicative of the man I want to be
No, it is who you are at almost 60. All the money and fame can't unmake a nigger.

Blacks and their lack of impulse control are significantly responsible for the upcoming food shortages and economic recession.

>give Chris the sissiest slap in history
>ratings go up
>Chris' comedy tour sells out
>Will issues "apology"
>everybody wins
Wow no way, almost like it was planned or something. Will and Chris probably had some beers together after the show laughing their asses off at the retards that thought it was real

>I am a work in progress

Nigga u 60 years old how much work do you need?

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Gets to maintain his "street cred frim philly" but also gets to act like hes part of civilized society. No legal ramifications. Just leftists applauding chivalry, when they feel chivalry is sexist.

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>Maury Schloman, Crisis Manager to the Stars

Looks like his Jew lawyer must have tightened the collar and leash around his nigger's neck.

Stfu Q user schizo

>i had to write this because they threatened to take my only oscar off me otherwise