
What is it about Spain that allows them to fly under the radar when it comes to geopolitics? It's not like they're a small player in the European Union (wealth/population/land mass), but they somehow manage to not be involved at a high level when comparing to other countries in Europe like Germany, Italy or France? They seem to just sort of coast at the UN and European parliament as well.

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No body knows

There’s nobody to fight against… they bitch-made Portugal, North Africans are not that big of a problem and France is just worried about gay-sex 24/7

They are a small player though. They haven't been relevant since the Spanish American War and they were barely relevant then.

Survive, thread.

Because all of our history is racist and white empathic stoic catholic supremacist at fuck, this basically means do not let the moor (the nothern anglo and polish ones) and their sephasditic and jazarian masters destroy you. They dont want to put the focus in that kind of thing, germans or frenchies, even the nordic folks could learn a thing or two on how to deal with the fuckers of the world.
They run the show now from warrelona aka the european isreal here and they are quiet by now because the destruction of the country continues as planned there is no opposition left... It is fucking sad...
Spain will end up destroyed or in reconquista 2.0 again screencap this.

They destroyed themselves by falling for the Indio pussy trap. Now they are nothing but a meme country which takes siestas and acts suave for northern women

the thirst for twink boipussy is what made spain, spain

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We unironically are lucky for the incompetence of our leaders. And, Spain is an uncomfortable recent example of how a European fascist state can perfectly cooperate with democratic nations. We were the last fascist state of Europe, only 40 years ago. It's like Germany but more worrisome, as we weren't defeated nor democratized by those powers, but legitimized. It's a political example of diplomatic success thanks to the pragmatism of Franco. If germany nor italy were such a pedantic warmongering expansionist faggots, they would have eaten europe by sheer diplomacy and example, and much more in unstable global economic times, to protect europe and the sovereignty of its nations against the menace of communism and the soviet union. Anchsluss was a mistake, both of Hitler and Mussolini. And many more.

Nah, you guys will be fine. Spanish boys are absolute scum douchebags until about 25, then they flip into something okay. You guys would fight.

However, Spain's economy is like Greece. Your pitiful manboys who live at home til 25, maybe 28 today are holding your whole country back because they can't stop sucking on your mom's fat spanish tits and get to fucking work.

Stop your siesta bullshit, and get in there.

You're very insightful and honest of your history. Rare for a Spaniard.

I come here for these comments.

Portugal is a spanish satellite, same as morocco. French people love spanish culture and brits love to spend their holidays there. Plus they avoided 2 world wars because they were too poor or had too many internal issues to afford intervening in another conflict. Plus they only receive migration from latin america which is basically culturally the same and they adapt fairly easy compared to other migrants.
Also they are not located on any strategic location, if you see the map you'll see they are away from all other countries.
They only had a war with france because of Napoleon, and they capitulated fairly quickly because the spanish army was in shambles.

They are the laziest motherfuckers in the EU and still somehow manage to have a decent economy

Unironically it's because they sat out WW2 and the current power structure was assembled in the years after that while Spain had based Franco running things.

Cual era el problema del Anchluss? No me jodas.. No recuerdo los lindes exactos de ese plan expansivo territorial, pero no me jodas, la Polonia post 1ª Guerra mundial era un monstruo, como lo es rumania actual que 1/3 de su territorio es hugria de facto.
Polonia es el error no el anchluss.
Ademas los siento por los polacos de bien, pero esta gente solo hace acrecentar a la Bestia, Mira lo que llevan haciendo en ucrania hasta ahora. Una vez mas se repite la historia por los mismos hijos de puta polacos, que no pueden dejar de matar, quemar, y torturar a sus vecinos.
Lo hicieron con los alemanes y lo hacen con los rusos.
Es que hay que joderse.

Spain has a really shitty economic structure. Basically there is an elite class that makes Western-tier money whereas the masses are broke as fuck even if they work and have skills. There is no mobility or incentive to try harder.

Polonia fue, históricamente, la cuna del pueblo judío en Europa. Desde que los británicos expulsaron a esas ratas usureras, todas ellas se fueron hacia Polonia.
Que no te sorprenda que los gobiernos polacos sean todos satánicos

Everywhere is like that. Some people make it, some people do okay - Most of Spain commits to laziness and victimization, and believe all of the excuses their mothers give them.

Austria era un pais fascista que protegía su soberania que coexistía con intelectuales liberales, lo cual podía llegar a haber sido inspirador para el mundo. Tenemos más hermandad con los austriacos y los bavieros que con los alemanes. El error fue principalmente el de Mussolini, ya que en 1935 con el Stressa front garantizaba la soberanía de austria junto a Francia, hasta que con la invasión de Etiopía, los lazos se rompieron y Hitler aprovechó (El cual debería de haber tenido una visión muchísimo más diplomática y menos germanocentrista). Es decir, que un pais fascista tenía un trato militar con un pais democratico para defender a un pais fascista. ¿Tú sabes lo importante que es eso diplomaticamente? Austria debía de ser independiente, ya que nada tiene que ver con alemania. Y, sobre lo de los polacos, estoy de acuerdo contigo en que son un poco bastante subnormales y la cagan en estos temas, pero aún así, su soberanía debe de ser más importante para nosotros que la de los alemanes o los rusos por mayor cernanía cultural y religiosa. Son una mierda de diplomáticos, podrían haber cedido el corredor de danzig y ya está, y son capaces de iniciar una tercera guerra mundial, pero eso no cambia lo que he dicho.

No, everywhere is not like that. Spain is different, particularly from the USA. Americans are retards about how life works in other countries, particularly Europe.

>They only had a war with france because of Napoleon, and they capitulated fairly quickly because the spanish army was in shambles
No seas retarded.
España fue el fin del imperio masonico frances.
Las revueltas contra el imperio mason empezaron en España y no en otro lugar de Europa.
Y nos dominaron por culpa del rey borbon vendido a los franceses y sus cohortes de españoles afrancesados nigger asi que no jodas...
Ademas Francia en sus politicas historicas con nosotros nunca han sido aliados de fiar.
Respecto a Lisboa, unos putos judios de mierda, han ido a remolque de españa siempre y se han aprovechado de esta a la minima, a la hora de la verdad son unos traidores mas, mejor gente que la franchutada tipica, pero aun asi no jodas boludo tambien con esto, a la minima de cambio te sacan al enfermo psico ese de ¿Camoes? era... el que escribio los Lusiadas, que es una oda, en su odio a nosotros, sus hermanos consanguineos hispanos, celebran aljubarrota como un logro, cuando es un episodio vergonzoso e innombrable en la historia como pueblos hermanos en la peninsula.

Spain is nothing more than a glorified EU tourist state. Sure you can talk about it’s politics like it’s separatists or the neoliberal Prime Minister but it’s all really nothing burgers. Spaniards themselves eh they’re soccer games are pretty cool they even have cheap sandwiches during half time

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Silence is a virtue