How Effective Are Wood Chippers?

If Wood Chippers were used to publicly demonstrate punishment for heinous crimes, do you think these machines would gain popularity?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-28 at 21-22-52 526x297 (JPEG Image 526 × 297 pixels).png (657x371, 332.05K)

Idk lets test it out on poltards

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Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-28 at 21-33-50 chipper5.jpg (JPEG Image 500 × 315 pixels).png (625x393, 458.04K)

I have long supported Woodchipper Nationalism, door to door. Always feet first though, that pic is all wrong

Too bloody. Just connect the person to high voltage power lines. Quick and painlesss

It'll gunk up. Fatties would be almost impossible to get through it.

You gotta use those industrial floor shredders they use for cows

you bleed out after getting electrocuted too retard huechimp

guess you subhumans wouldnt know since this always happens to you in the shower so it all gets washed away

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-28 at 21-38-52 chipper4.jpg (JPEG Image 500 × 315 pixels).png (625x393, 500.18K)

Its not the move.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-28 at 21-39-12 Death by Wood Chipper.png (550x365, 353.36K)

Looks like somebody just finished watching Fargo.

if you all dont know that a "body" must be "frozen" in order to chip them.

Here in the south, there's several meat processing plants that are no longer officially in business. The cartel often disposes of it's enemies and debtors using the meat grinders; then they are fed to the fish in the river.

Body needs to be frozen for it to work right.
Fargo didn't really emphasize that.

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What a fucking dumb chink.
You're not supposed to keep the guy connected until he explodes. 100 milisec from one arm to the other is enough
About the showers: no shock
You would know that if you had any knowledge about electricity

chipper bro its on vhs titled "happy summer camping" on my bookshelf

Jesus christ, are you sure that was a wood chipper? As fucked up as that body is i would assume it would be MUCH less intact than that.

you need to freeze the body first retard
you cant shred soft shit in woodchippers, its going to jam the thing and fuck it up

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-28 at 21-39-28 Death by Wood Chipper.png (550x365, 339.78K)

it would clog immediately. it is a meme.

you would need something to the level of a vermeer 1800 or above to do a human body. even then you would have liquid going out everywher onj the ground.