Is Jon Stewart Right?

Are white people a problem?

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What's this guys real last name again?

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I watched a little bit of it. It's a bunch of Jewish tv anchors and he's calling them white. Like he calls (((himself))) white since changing his name from Leibowitz to Stewart

Honestly, yes. I recently had dinner with a white friend. He mentioned having completed the Me and White Supremacy workbook—Layla F. Saad’s extraordinary set of exercises for people who hold white privilege and want to interrogate its role in their lives. “How was it?” I asked, sipping my wine. “Exhausting,” he proclaimed. And it is exhausting, the slow, painstaking, write-it-down process of examining how racial hierarchy shows up in one’s conscious and unconscious beliefs, in one’s desires, fears, friendships, and communities. The upshot was that he was doing “the work.” I was happy and, being a person of color, relieved. I also immediately wondered whether he’d insisted that the white members of his social circle—friends, spouse, parents, siblings—do the work, too. But I didn’t ask. I was afraid to learn that he hadn’t.

I know a lot of white people. A lifetime of private schools, three years at an elite law school, a job in academia, a house in the suburbs, my own family—I’m surrounded. The vast majority of them are progressive and, as of the last couple years, eager to be allies. They were sickened by George Floyd’s murder. They posted photographs of Breonna Taylor’s gentle, sweet face. They set up recurring donations. They bought books, and they bought them from Black-owned bookstores, and then they read them with pens in their hands. Books like Me and White Supremacy, So You Want to Talk About Race, White Fragility, and The New Jim Crow. They were hellbent on personal transformation, on becoming not merely not racist but anti-racist, not only benign but of benefit. And God bless them for it. I applaud them (silently), and I don’t take their willingness for granted. But, very often, these white people and their efforts disappoint me. They frustrate me. They make me sad.

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he is just another kike criminal afraid we will make them pay for all the shit they did

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I didn’t say this surprises me.

I think of whiteness primarily as a collection of habits and behaviors premised on the assumption that you don’t have to deal with race, and if you choose to deal with it at all, you can do it on whatever terms suit you (in a given moment and over the course of your life). Behaving as if you are exempt from things that are “racial” is one way this manifests. Another way it shows up is the habit of doing things that give you the feeling or appearance of caring about racial justice without having to pay much of a cost. I sometimes think this explains a chunk of the white votes for Barack Obama—it gave some white voters a feeling of being progressive on race—or “color blind”—but did not require them to reckon with or personally sacrifice much of anything. I also wonder if these white habits explain the popularity of movies and television depicting black pain; they allow a white viewer to feel sympathy, or empathy, maybe even cry cathartically over the horrible workings of the racial hierarchy, without having to do anything about that hierarchy. They give white people, from directors to audiences, a chance to feel as if they deeply sympathize with the plight of black people.

Not watching it. Qrd on what Jon (((Liebowitz))) has to say about white people?

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Theoretically it would be quite useful to belong to a group that could choose to identify as white or not when it is advantageous.

cool copy pasta.


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That segment pissed me off. It was pure projection. Him, Colbert, Oliver, Myers, Kimmel, etc,... were all convinced they held the monopoly on public opinion, and anyone who dared to criticize them or have a different viewpoint was targeted and ostracized viciously? Why? Because they are scared that you won't listen to them. All that hyper racist nazi hysteria was just them calling you back to fall in line.

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He plays a bunch of clips of literal certified jude news anchors and then makes jokes about how (((white))) people are hypocrites based on what the Jewish tv personalities said in the clips.

White people are bad because they don't listen to the concerns of blacks and refuse to pay reparations.

>Are white people a problem?
Only the white jews..

Please tell me where you got this from. I beg if you.

I can kill their entire narrative with one question.

Why do black lives only matter when the attacker/assailant is white? How come black on black crime which is more common, never makes the news? Are there deaths not unjust? Where is there justice?

Oh yeah, I forgot. They actually don't give a fuck about black lives. What they care about, is narrative. And black victims are the bargaining chip to their relevance and career. And without it, they have none. Racist or non-racist, Jon Liebowitz should sicken everyone. He is a fucking snake and is not worthy of anyone's respect.
All he does is kiss their ass. He won't get a single knuckle dirty to rebuild black communities. Nothing but air out of his grifting mouth.

"White people" was and still is a dirty Anglo-Saxon trick.

Fuck liberalism for atomizing my ethnic roots, my cultural history, and mutting my blood with French, German, Finish, Irish, and God knows what else. Black people didn't do this to me. "White people" did.

because white oppreshun and everything is a result of it and crime is just a result of poverty which is a result of slavery and discrimination - whites fault
and if you try to appeal to stats you are just a racist nazi white supremacist

White is an American export. The narratives really poisoned the well along with diluting nationalities, promoting individuality, and then pandering to minority groups that stick together

yes hail Oden