Right Griffters for Russia


What's with the Alt media either cheering on Russa or making excuses for the invasion? The alt left, the alt right, the mainstream right, Q user people, Communists/Marxists & the Truther community are all just repeating RT talking points. NATO aggression, Nazis, ethnic Russians, shelling their own people & now bio labs. I'm not saying there isn't merit to some of these things, but this is Russia Today's position. RT's position is obviously narrative the Kremlin wants.

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Other urls found in this thread:


(Never ask about the Vegas shooting. Be sleepy instead)

The right is shaking off Limbaugh’s legacy cancervastism. It’s overdue.

it's very obvious that the US has the been the enforcer of the parasitic banking class for the last century.
these guys also own the western (US) media companies and dictate the literal thought programming to the drooling masses.
it's very good that someone is talking shit about this situation and even better fighting against it with a military. don't know who those others in that picture are but Nick the knife is correct.

>alt alt alt alt alt
every single time

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That doesn't change their lying about Russia and repeating RT propaganda. Especially the Christians are total hypocrites


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No one wants on the right wants to see more land and manpower be added to the EU. They're overwhelmingly powerful enough as it is.

You don't get it...


> The alt left, the alt right
We had a debate before elections on national television 3 days ago. What is funny is that both the nationalist party and the left party were the only ones advocating for neutrality and calling others insane.
But then again, 99% of our gas comes from russia, so maybe the others are retarded, not them

I feel bad for Ukrainians but Russia winning is good for Americans.
Neocons, deep staters and globalist need to get their shit pushed in to teach them a lesson about moderation.

Is that Lana from Red Ice? She always seemed shilly to me.

They're all a bunch of reactive retards. They rightfully see the wrong the US has done, and without thinking jump to defend someone who would oppose them even though they're bad themselves.
That would make sense if Russia wasn't run by its own corrupt group of kike bankers



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He's bluepilled

>What's with the Alt media either cheering on Russa or making excuses for the invasion?
Fuck you and fuck globohomo. Globohomo waged psychological and demographic war against all White nations for the last 50 years or more and then you wonder why actual free White people don't support it. Fuck you.


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So she was being interviewed by Trunews? Because I checked again and that is most definitely Lana Lokteff from Red Ice.

That's genuinely not her. Lana is part of this though.

RT is a good outlet and US Christians have become filthy degenerates from following Limbaugh cancervatism. Fuck em.

If there's merit to them, then address the merits.

Generally, if a right winger supports russia, he's just interested in keeping russia around as a counterbalance to globohomo.

Well at least you have a superpower you can support as counterbalance. The communists only have NK for example