Holy shit its illegal to use the word gay now in floridia!

Holy shit its illegal to use the word gay now in floridia!

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>illegal to use the word gay
you may be misconstruing this but
>no link
we'll never know
>no bump


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Good. If censorship is on our side, then its good.

>american hours


No need, 41% of them will die without the government lifting a finger

>the left is suddenly anti-censorship

I don't think I'd take advice from law makers in Mississippi kek, that state has an infant mortality rate on the same levels as places like Somalia.

Who said it had to be the government?

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What does that even mean? Its like when texas passed "the abortion bill" which didnt outlaw abortion it just modified it

I hate gay people

what is the don't say gay bill?

What? Does it mean you have to call them something else or what? I can’t believe Florida is so based that it dared to ban faggotry

its a law that makes it illegal to teach kids that gay people exist

bro you just said the g word you're going to jail

It's actually quite telling how all the normalfags are saying that not teaching kindergarteners about sex/gay sex is a big blow to the lgbt community. Abusing kids is how they reproduce after all

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Zogbot Politician cucks out. Every single time.

No fucking way it’s real

desu its worse because this is hardcore cold civil war, the conservative south is now making it law to push out liberal democratic northern influence on their children, for good reason since nobody wants their sons to be castrated by liberals but also bad since it paves the way for cultural balkanization

What is banning gay supposed to accomplish? Is it one of those "based" moves that reps are famous for or another move towards censorship from the left? This makes zero sense

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>cultural Balkanization
As if your country is not Balkanized already since 2016

They aren't "banning gay", they're removing the "My Genitals, My Choice" class from the third grade curriculum. Don't Say Gay is a faggot propaganda term.

as well it directly effecting the education system but not raising standards beyond 'no literal liberal bullshit in class' will only make kids dumber which is worse than nuking america city by city since every year kids underperform we are ten years behind china and russia

So by that logic, anyone can say fags now?

It prohibits sexual education for 3rd grade and under.... if you don't support this please walk into traffic

After further reading into the bill, maybe DeSantis hasn't cucked out. Seems like the bill effectively prohibits teachers from pushing gay propaganda onto children.

Difference between DeSantis and Trump is that Trump was just all talk, about his Wall and the other bullshit, DeSantis is actually getting shit done and can use that as his platform for election.

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Checked and it doesn’t ban the word gay it makes discussion on sex and gender identity for PreK-3rd grade by their teachers and administrators illegal. Basically prevents globohomo from legally gaying your children in class.

It's a bill that functions like the hatch act does for soldiers, but for teachers in this case. It states that if there are local laws or guidelines prohibiting it teachers may not in official capacity as a teacher teach or utilize curriculum that exposes k-3rd graders I think to sex ed or other sexual related materials. If a kid brings up gay shit the kid doesn't get in trouble and if the teacher responds they don't get in trouble. Only explicit teaching in an official capacity is prohibited and only if local statutes say so.

Nobody seems to have actually read the bill.

Gays no longer exist, they have been unpersoned. Pretty much the only way to fight them is by ignoring them. Acquiescing to their demands and tolerance just makes them push the boundaries further.

>My Genitals, My Choice" class from the third grade curriculum
Jesus Christ

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Why is DeSantis still acting straight? He's gay and handsome as fuck. Who does he thinks he's fooling?

>Making it illegal to turn 5 year olds into trannies is controversial.

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it's a bill that prevents sexual education from being taught between the grades of Pre-kindergarten to 3rd grade.
the ones complaining about it are propagandists and pedophiles.

No, it's illegal to talk to little kids about sex.
why do you so desperately want to talk to little kids about sex?
are you grooming them? Are you a pedophile? Because that's sure what it looks like

Well I'm exaggerating. At least I hope. The focus of the bill is that they don't want gender identity and sexuality to be in the public school curriculum for prepubescent children. And for whatever reason, this is apparently an oppressive outrage to the left, so maybe I'm not exaggerating quite so much in terms of where the puck was going to be, so to speak.