European menu (coming soon):

European menu (coming soon):

Gebratene Käfer mit einer Beilage aus der letztjährigen Steckrübe
Pizza di soia con coleotteri
Pâté de coléoptères
Toast with beetle jelly
Risotto con escarabajos y malezas
Beetle Köttbullar
Kala giblets keitto kovakuoriaisia (alle vodka tekninen alkoholi)
Chipsy z brouků s pivem (z trávy a řepky)
Rohu Bigus mardikate ja roheliste sussidega
Roladki z chrząszczami i pokrzywami (pyszne, o kurwa)
Σκαθάρια με σάλτσα ορού γάλακτος
Iмiтaцiя cвинини з жyчинoї мyки i coї (iдeнтичнa нaтypaльнoї)
Блины c кpacнoй икpoй (пoдaютcя нa тeppитopии PФ зa pyбли)

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It's late hour. I suggest European bros have to save kWh, so they can't afford posting much in this time

It's all Putin's fault, of course

Sopa de Besouro Uma Delicia

>eats seabugs
oh no the horror...

Bon appétit, mon frère.

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It would be a wonderful time!

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Can i join the russian army, guys???
I just wanna die in a war.

Speaking of which, do you guys have crayfish in northern lakes? Crayfish are awesome, jokes aside.

According to Wikipedia, the Scandinavian countries do have crayfish dishes in their national cuisines

Kek, Good Thread, bump
>pierogi z mąki z kory z karaluchami, mmmmmm

> Kek, Good Thread, bump
> >pierogi z mąki z kory z karaluchami, mmmmmm
Palce lizać, pyszne jak babcia na wsi

My math teacher in 90x once joked:

Specialty of the house!
Pilaf with cockroaches


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>pyszne jak babcia na wsi
>delicious like grandma in the countryside
Bro... don't eat your grandma... who will make barszcz for you

Google translate so Google translate...

I'd actually try them if the parasite class wasn't pushing it.

Why not? You act like a dumb farmer who does not eat what he does not know.

Just try it once. If you like it. Fine, if not, fine too. Your "ITS THE NWO ENSLAVEMENT" makes this even stronger.

Well, I wonder why Europe doesn't eat much mushrooms as a cheap source of protein?
In Russia there is an old tradition to eat various forest or farmed mushrooms for religious reason (the great Lent in Orthodox church, when animal meat is forbidden to eat)

I wouldn't call mushrooms a cheap source of protein. Being able to pick them in neighobur forest doesn't make them strategically cheap. How much other food could you afford if you invested the same amount of time to work instead of mushroom picking?
Besides, I'm not even sure if many mushrooms grow to the west of Dunabe.