... we live in a capitalist hell

... we live in a capitalist hell.

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The entire planet outside of America is some kind of socialist paradise. Pick a part of the glove and go there. You won't because America is the best place to be.

Would be based if you replaced the gay pride flag with the Stars and Bars or the NWF tricolor and you replaced socialism with jews

fpbp /thread

Americans still live in 1980s, they dont realise that the real (((enemy))) is already inside.

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Some parts of America, we got a lot of third world niggers bringing us down

>because America is the best place to be.
massive cope

>>because America is the best place to be.
>massive cope
>leaf doesn't realize he also lives in America

>Fighting socialism for kids.
If anything this will turn kids towards socialism further in life.
Just teach your kids to question authority and play devilds advocate.

Sounds based.

I'm a capitalist socialist. I'm a CapSoc.

Oh no a commercial with a color that isn't just brown.

>fight socialism
>3 free gifts!
>plus shipping & handling

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I'm a NatCap on Monday to Wednesday and AnCap Thursday to Sunday.

>fight socialism
>get free shit
like pottery.

Most parents don't know shit about Marxism, so reading Marx works could be a good start.
Nothing turns people against socialism as understanding the goals of socialism.

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>noooo only commercials telling kids to racemix and inject hormones are OK!!!!




Why are American boomer conservatives still so obsessed with "socialism" despite the tranny and anti-white insanity taking over their country?

American culture is the most absolutely depraved filth on earth. Why would you waste your valuable resources on something so dumb and out of touch?

Capitalism isn't a form of government.

He's not wrong. Nationalist ideology and capitalism are mutually incompatible.

The greatest tragedy for the Western right was ever becoming associated with American hyper-capitalism. It's completely fucked up people's understanding of politics.

> inhales a tub of diet coke
> adjusts his liquified McBurger iv needle
> tilts back on his motor scooter as he passes a homeless junkie
> calls his wife
> tyrone answers
> hears her moaning in the background
> whispers softly
> “God I love living in America”