Can I get an "Amen" ?

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minimal wage should be 0$/hr. I would hang in minecraft everyone who forces a higher one.

Such BS.... $45.00 Minimum..
Also Management/Employees pay must be proportional.

Example. Management cannot make more than 4xs and Employees pay,.

Don’t most completely unskilled jobs like warehouse wagies already make around $20 an hour though?

Why not $200

Wow I wouldn’t get a raise. Make it at least $30 if you want anyone white to benefit.

$20 could be alright but you have to create value and ask for it to your boss, not the Government. You are an adult

That's a very lolbertarian thing to say

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I'm sure it excludes small businesses, which are already struggling to find employees.

based, this move would unemploy 80% of minorities

I say minimum wage should be 9001 dollars per hour. This is to tax the rich.

let's just make a gallon of milk $10 to offset this gross misuse of market manipulation.

Taxes are literal bonded slavery. Many politicians who opposed Income Tax Act of 1913 rightly pointed this out. The bondholder collects a portion of your earnings until a debt is repaid except it's even worse since the government never loaned you any money to begin with.

warehousing is about $12 - $15.

>the government never loaned you any money to begin with
the federal reserve did.

That's kinda fascistic and random, what if a worker wants to pay to get experience?

Very good point. All citizens of the United States® are literal slaves to the Federal Reserve Corporation. I've heard when you pay taxes the IRS sends your money to the Federal Reserve instead of the Treasury of the United States too but I don't know a lot about that.

Unless you work in a "hell-space" like I do. Public opinion of my warehouse is so piss poor that they had to raise the base pay to 22$. The rest of the surrounding warehouses pay 15$ tops. Lol. No, I'm not bragging about peanuts like a simpleton.

>raise minimum wage
>money printer goes BRRRR
>prices outstrip wages again
What now?

Make it 50, shit make it 1000 dollars an hour, then we'll all be rich - right?

This is why the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution bans "Involuntary Servitude"- nothing prevents a person from voluntarily becoming a slave.

Lol I make 850 a day painting for jews on Hweird, chud
Try using your imagination.


20 is too low in todays modern economic times. We need at least a $60 minimum wage so people can afford fuel to just get to work.

>enough to buy two loaves of bread, if you're lucky
It's far too late for "muh minimum wage" arguments, you 1-post faggot.
Jew FIAT paper will soon be worth less than toilet paper.

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Eugenics program to gradually and permanently decrease number of useless consumers
Can I get an amen?

i support this. OP is an underachiever.

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OK. But make gas cost $50/gal and double my current wages.

Baste. Should be $60 an hour. That's 120k a year. Poverty would be ended. You are brilliant.

Depends on the business, depends on the work. In the USA we are 50 countries without borders (minus Alaska and Hawaii), every state is different from the other. I agree with the statement but the basic principle of what happens there surely couldn't happen here is problematic. $100 goes further in Iowa than it does in California or Alaska. But yes the federal minimum wage should be raised. By how much?

I read that as feudal minimum wage and it worked

How much do Americans get taxed from those 20 dollars?

>get paid more money
>get taxed more
>no different in total sum

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They will probably be taxed $12.75 for every $20 made!