What would a John Stewart presidency look like?

What would a John Stewart presidency look like?

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He has blue eyes. Not Jewish

jews are known shapeshifters, your point is invalid

desu I don't know.

In a word…. “Snarky”

Like a disgusting greasy goblin in Harry Potter I suppose

His name lieberman lieberstein or some shit.

He would say something serious and when it backfires he will go oh well I'm a comedian you can't blame me.

Most of nu/pol/ is probably too young to remember when Jon stuck up for Ron Paul when Fox was ignoring his campaign. He’s still pretty liberal but can hold an intelligent conversation unlike someone like Colbert

Go in super snarky with a bunch of "common sense solutions" that completely disintegrate once the rubber meets the road. Then Idunno he plays with a dreidel or something who the fuck cares

still jewish tho

Incredibly stale and out-of-touch

don't believe me?

check out his latest movie Irresistible, it came out recently but it's soooo lame and cheesy

it's exactly how JewStew views politics, very binary, us vs them, we're smart they're dumb

despite helping usher in these garbage political discourse we're going through (so and so SLAMMED this or that person) he's an incredibly simple minded person

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he's also been one of the worst propagandists in history. without him, the clown world as we know wouldn't exist to this extend. he brainwashed the millenial generation that lib-fags are always good and smart and per definition have "science" on their side and that conservatives are always wrong and evil..

More of the same

>recent podcasts and guest appearnaces show him still thinking the media is still FAUX news vs the real guys like it's still the bush era
he will disappoint you

More foreign aid to Israel, more third-world migrants to white communities, more debt, more atheism/demoralization, more regime change wars, more chemicals in the...

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>member when I was against foreign wars and how anti-establishment I was. Yah well now I'm the establishment and its time to fight a war you dirty goys.

look, i'll admit that the "twist" ending tries to defy the "we're smart they're dumb" mentality but it's so fucking hamfisted

also pay attention to that red-headed bitch Debra Messing in the beginning, she represents the moderate democrats while jon stewart (channeled through steve carrel's character) is supposed to be the hip progressive

god the more i remember from this movie the more i despite it

and the weird and pointless sexual relationships in the movie are such a jewish fantasy

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Khazaria all over again.


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Gay jewish faggotry with niggers and Democrats.

Very, very kosher.

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