Thoughts Any Forums?

Thoughts Any Forums?

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"Trad" is normal.

schizmogenesis prevents this

This retard bitch still thinks the idealized modern feminist woman is "normal"

Trad is normal



women are just sentient holes that we gave too much power

so trad then

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What a fucking bigoted TERF

Women are hard-wired to submit to social hierarchy. They will almost never be truly unique or independent. If the culture moves in the direction of hypersexuality and other kike shit, they will follow. "Normal" only exists now as a memory, and will never return.


White women are trash.

Any Forums can bitch about muh pure kids, but Asian wife is the only way to have a traditional family structure. White women are anti-Christian, anti-tradition, anti-harmony.

women will be replaced with robots soon

I agree. Women should just be normal and shut up under their burqa.

Trad is normal.

'trad' is a simulacra, a fetishization of values that never really existed or tended to exist in 'normal' proportion to other virtues as the picture is trying to convey

kike bullshit response

Well she's right. You can be normal and correct or an error. Trad is technically normal but the trad internet meme is retarded.

Normal is a social construct.

Beating your wife and daughters needs to be legal again.

I couldn't care less about women's "needs".

>normal is a social construct

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>Hi girls!

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so it begins

ill take shes cancelled for 500 alex

It will return when the kike shit falls apart like sodom and gomorrah

Smartest bitch on Twitter. Not a big feat, but good for her.

Don't sleep around with men like a whore and have some self respect. Problem solved.

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That's a big girl


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You are using the media. Maybe just stop doing that? Stoopid is as stoopid does.

Sounds good, but where do you find a normal woman that could be that example?

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yeah maybe all those ukrainian girls can teach them something like that

For you.

>fucking normal
yeah "swiping left on 150+ guys" normal

>i'll learn what normal is from twitter
good luck with that

Oy vey! They are noticing!

What they need is women not having opinions at all.

Yes, that's the essence of aspiring to be better. The reason so many people abandon the left as they get older isn't because right wing propaganda is particularly effective, but because left wing propaganda is self-defeating in the bigger picture. Most people are selfish, therefore demonizing greed is just a fetishization of values that never really existed herp derp durr etc. Suddenly the same argument used to win a no-stakes shit flinging match completely debunks the core of the left, and eventually leftists just get demoralized by their own arguments. This self-inflicted demoralization is what actually drives "reactionaryism", not right wing propaganda. Same thing with the
>Muh consenting adults
>Muh victimless crimes
stuff. Free markets are consenting adults committing victimless crimes. Force the consenting adults and victimless crimes meme hard enough and the left will eventually demoralize their own side into accepting free markets.

Leftists are strong when debating single issues, but all their single issue victories are pyrrhic victories that come at the cost of their big picture goals.

Normal for a girl in any time period outside the past 50 years has been doing what your parents tell you pretty much without question and then getting married and staying in the house and having kids. That was normal for like 400,000 years across nearly all cultures. It’s only on 1/5 of the planet for about 50 years where anything else has been acceptable. Normal for a girl is subservience. That’s literally what normalcy is to women, they don’t even realize it, the smarter ones always just did what they were told after a certain point and were better off for it. There was never and never will be a satisfactory ending for a whore, it’s bullshit.

90% of extreme lefties end up going through a Nazi phase by their 30's.

Jews always lose control of their Golems, it's been their downfall 111 times(not 109). Jews trained and funded ISIS to help with Assad, now yesterday ISIS does a terrorist attack in Israel. Jews never learn.

Why do women always need an example from some other woman? Just be a person.

No can do. Feminists were offended by the concept of norms


Wrong. Cope harder

>just race mix and worship jews, goy!

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>women complain
>men acquiesce
>things get work
>women complain
>men acquiesce
>things get worse


close enough.
about the best you can expect out of the normie collective.

White people burn out. A lot of girls are going to grow up seeing trannies taking every trophy and being told there’s a light at the end of the cock tunnel but they’ll look at their retarded broken parents and just do the opposite. Nothing about modernity is normal. Normal is getting married young as fuck. 30 is the absolute latest, all the actually good providers and “Chads” marry relatively young anyway. Even the biggest beta finds a woman honestly pretty quick.

I’ve seen and heard what zoomer hedonists call “weird”
I don’t care for what they think is “normal”

So they're not all bad, then.

what sexuality is your flag?

I kind of understand why the NPC sheep are confused. We are the first people(boomers/x/mill/z) to live most of our adult lives in front of a giant rectangle that glows and is fun. Movies/TV bypass a lot of the security features of the brain and goes into deep programming parts. That is why most people today are a frankenstein creature of various popular artists in media and music. For example all the zoomers mumble rapping to themselves and wearing flashy clothes is just an outcome of copying a handful of celebrities.

It's a miracle some of us broke out the Matrix. The real world Matrix is 1000000x crazier than the Matrix movie. Instead of actual battery energy they are just harvesting negative energy, which is the fuel and oil of the Matrix machine.

For you

Larpagan homosexuals.

They are fields to plow.

>What do women want?