The screams are horrific. Beware, faggots. ISIS at least cuts the throat first, so you don't hear the screams. This is on par with the screams and pleading in those old Dagestani videos that fucked me up for life as a kid. After the mass leg shooting of PoWs hohols keep showing their true face to the world.

Ukranian scum STABS Russian PoW IN THE EYES:

Allegedly it's this guy, clothes match, pic related:

Ukranians need to be burned to the ground for this. They have lost all rights. FUCK HOHOLS.

>it's not war crimes when war is not declared!

Geneva Convention applies to all armed conflict, dumbass. "This article states that the Geneva Conventions apply to all cases of international conflict, where at least one of the warring nations have ratified the Conventions."

>that's what they get for invading!!

...and the hohols invading FIRST and kiling 15 000 Donbas civilians including over 100 children?

>those were rebels!!!

Well then if self-determination doesn't matter you should apologize to the Serbs and sanction all NATO countries, retard.

>it's okay when we do it!!!!!



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Other urls found in this thread:


Kek, he's already identifed. Why the hell would you do this without covering your face, is it some kind of initiation ritual to make sure you can't surrender?

Death to Azog

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low IQ prolly`

How do you know that's real?

Poor invaders :(
I shed a tier for the poor poor Russarinos :(
>noooo Ukraine pls don't be so brutal when we try to annex you pls
Russian thought this gonna be an easy and quick war, and now look how they are getting snuffed out LMAO

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Didn’t read lmao

Fuck Russia

This is what delusion looks like
Meanwhile Russia still hasn't deployed it's most advanced weaponry, and you're sitting here saying that they're losing?

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I think it's a fake. It's so unlike Ukraine soldiers to commit war crimes and taking videos of it.

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>white warcrimes bad
>jewish warcrimes good
This is how we know avoz and ukrainian fighters are jews

this fucking animal is dead man already. too bad he's only gonna get a bullet, or a lifetime, and deserves a very special treatment. the problem ios deeper. now it'll spark way more violence from both sides "in responce", and only because of one beta faggot who always wanted to turture and kill someone on camera. war's hell

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Two more years until the REAL weaponry is used?

*Two more decades

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I read this morning they caught the azog that was taunting the families over the phone. They’re only setting themselves up for an extremely painful death once they’re caught so I say let them.

Why would anyone follow the Geneva rules when their country is being invaded? Also they could be citizens volunteering to fight. No rules for them.

Defender side always is in the right. Of course you as an American don't understand these rules since you never had to defend your country. I hope we see a lot more chopped Russian heads to come, I want the moral damage on Russian people to be HUGE and impacting, for a lot of centuries of national trauma to come.
Maybe Azov won't get every Russian, but they surely already killed the Russian soul. And its beautiful.

>Also they could be citizens volunteering to fight. No rules for them.
Then they have no protection and anything goes

I hope russia rates your country again

Yea, I wanna see muh stronk Russia using their muh stronk weapons, if Putin wants to be the Tsar of dust and rubble, he will press the button for sure.
Problem is, Putin is literally insane, thus everything's possible.

Were Khmer Rouge soldiers in the right when Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop genocide?

what happened to that azog fag?

>Problem is, Putin is literally insane, thus everything's possible.
yaaassss queen, 6 boosters to stop the putin!

You'll never know, your army isn't retarded enough to publish videos. You can take an educated guess though.

Literally no one cares, because Russian is the Invader. Now go cash in your rubles

Bist du der Schwuchtel der als deutscher in der vorherigen Thread larpte?
Verpiss dich doch schon, du Judenliebhabiger nigger

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All I know is they caught him and he cried like a baby. I genuinely think it doesn’t even dawn in them how filming their treachery will bite them in the ass until immediately after they’ve been caught.

If they designate themselves combatants with some type of uniform or with the armbands that they've been using then they're protected by geneva conventions and subject to the rules. It doesn't matter if they're in an official army.

>now it'll spark way more violence from both sides "in responce", and only because of one beta faggot who always wanted to turture and kill someone on camera. war's hell
Already hapenned

how can there be war crime if there's no war?

>threaten neighboring country with nuclear and biological weapons while slaughtering their people within your borders
>"Defender side always is in the right lol"
Here, you seem like you'd enjoy playing this.

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Ukrainians are trash people. I hope Russia wipes out their entire bloodline.

this looks fake as fuck.

sage and move on guys

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It's the dagestan massacre all over again.

What are they saying, what is he saying?