You're a tool of the NWO

Have you taken a side on the Russian invasion of Ukraine?
If so, you're a tool! Congrats! You're playing into the JudeoChicom Scwaubian playbook. Wars are population control wherein the winners are favored by a global council of rich maniacs.

If Russia wanted regime change and to "fight le NWO!" and save Europe. Why didn't they just shock and awe Ukraine's political targets? Why fight a war with a hand behind their back? Do you really think they didn't anticipate sanctions? Are they adopting gold backed currency while the USD languishes? Surely coincidence..
If Azov is so based why did they see to the escape of all the Jews and Shabbos in Ukraine before their own wives/sons? Why didn't they resist after the U.S. Buyout of their govt in 2014?

You're all cattle buying the narrative...This is shill hell.
Pre 2013 pol was best pol

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Yeah I think most people who aren’t fucking retards understand that. Problem is most people who understand shit get banned.

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US glownigger spotted. Cope and dilate.
Putin is an obvious Schwab confidant. Zelensky is USA pedo lapdog plant.

>Wars are population control
You mean because there was too many people? The vast majority of wars happened before the population needed any kind of size control


*I mean contemporarily in the western world

you are dumb as shit

Who do you support?

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>what is increased agriculture yields

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why would russia want to save europe?
malthus was a reddit tier midwit

That's my point

Based and Sneedpilled

>Why didn't they just shock and awe Ukraine's political targets?

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>pushing WEEKS of tired "UKRAINE! REEE!" propaganda
>NO U are the brainwashed tool!!!
Just shut the fuck up already, you retarded niggercattle.
Fuck your phony war for kike bloodlust and White Genocide.
Fuck your Hegelian Dialectic.
Fuck both of your "sides".

WHEN we decide to get into your little game, we are coming for YOU, yid rat fuckers.

YOU are going to burn!

Edgy but Based

"I’ll kill 1000 Holols before I let Israelis die!"

Russia does not. For whatever reason the Alt-Right mouth breathers who got swept in with the 2016 crowd think he's some kind of savior.

Since the world is siding with ukrainians instead of Russians at a ratio of 683 to 1, the new disinformation strategy is to desperately try to keep people from taking sides? Can you just imagine the despair of the Russian trolls paid kopecks to print these lies, knowing their weakly salary has dropped 23% in the past month

You dense fuçk.

If you kill the leadership, who will sit at your negotiating table?!

The last twenty years of assassination in Iraq, Syria (attempted) and Libya show what happens when you chop off the head.

There's plenty of posts here about how tough it is in post sanction Russia. Shit is cheaper now that some goods can't be exported any more.