It’s okay to be racist if you don’t center your ideology on race

If you tell people around you: “I’m a communist and oh btw I’m also racist” people will go like “aw how quirky” but if you tell people “I’m a Nazi” people will freak out and think you should be sent to a mental institution or something

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you are Brazilian

And yeah, 'it's okay to be racist if you don’t center your ideology on race.' Idk why u sound so butthurt.

It's one thing for an Albanian who basically falls into the socialist political spectrum to hate Serbians cause his house was burnt down in the last decade. And another when your ideology solely fixates on race (which is also retarded).

Plus you are Brazillian, you don't get to be a Nazi. If you do you admit yourself to be subhuman to the better races and your people should be exploited by them for the benefit of humanity.

Nazism is too fluffy everyday people can’t relate. It’s esoteric and misguided
If you say you’re a communist that’s like having strong roots that allows you to be racist
Racism without communism is like a building without foundations does that make sense?

You are thinking of something that is very specific which I can't relate?

Most "communists" are not racists and don't really fixate on race that much. The struggle is class-based, not within nations and between common people. As for communists getting a free pass for being racist, I don't see it being a common occurrence. 'And if it so happened, no one would care, cause their ideology advocates for certain things that have no relation to racism. It just so happens that the person advocating those things happens to have prejudices.

Truth. OP is not a fag..
This time....

Communism has roots?

That’s the point tho
Racism becomes not the main issue so it’s like a joke
You focus on class struggle and you can say a lot of racists things and people seem to not give a shit and get triggered like they would if you focused solely on race
I’m not saying in liberal circles tho I’m saying around your trusted friends and family members
It’s a much more mature way of approaching the nigger issue and doesn’t scare people away
It’s nuanced

yeah bitch. It's part of thousands of years of Western philosophical thought that you can trace at least as back as Heraclitus and includes giants like Hegel and Spinoza.

What if I'm a nazbol?

Communism is big dick alpha energy and nazism is small dick beta energy

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Marx was a classical economist so the roots are based on tangible things like the economy
It’s the grown up way of being racist and spreading racism
Nazism seems childish to the average person at least that’s been my experience

Normies don’t know what that is so they’ll associate it with the unabomber or something cause the word nazbol sounds crazy to the average ear
Communism sounds like community so it sounds comfy

Eii, you were the guy who was asking me to "show ears."
Hope u good

I as a socialist would disagree with that racist communist. But those communists are not a problem. No one is threatened by the minority of racist socialists. While NatSoc is literally their whole stick. This is why there is such a treatment when it comes to Nazis versus communists. It's not that it's okay to be racist if you are a socialist, it's that they don't exist or that no one cares. Cause it's not what you advocate. You just happen to be racist.

Normies don't know what it is. Communism = community = comfy

You never showed the ears kike

I know you have ugly white skin with pimples so I am not interested in impressing you

No. Go back.

Use the term national socialism. Done. Or race nationalist.

It’s just the optics
Nazism sounds deranged and unhinged and it is
If you say you like Hitler people will find you silly and think you’re a bitter incel but if you say you like Mao and Stalin and Lenin people will look at you as an intellectual and will be much more receptive to your racist ideas but u gotta mean it you can’t be a larper
Communism is just common sense and so is racism

That sounds harsh and aggressive
It’s a failed ideology and will get no traction in a conversation
Communism is winning in the form of China and people like being a part of a winning movement

It's just optics bro
It's just common sense
Come on bro be an intellectual bro

You're too aggressive. Be gentle and victorious like sweet Mother China.