"Keep my wife's name OUT YO FUCKIN MOUTH!"

loginportal.funnyjunk.com/comments/With audio _426dd1979f34b5977812d60c2182cb58.mp4

If you think this is staged, you are a robot.

Listen to the exchange.

I know (((they))) have a lot to try and distract us from, but this is too organic.

This is literally just a nig nogging.

Attached: Six+dinosaur_76c179_9449721.jpg (1200x1027, 125.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You had one job.

Fuck off back to fakebook or re ddit with this stupid shit

shut up dumb faggot
these are people that do 6 different takes of them crying about a dead daughter that isn't their daughter and isn't even dead

Jesus christ, you dumb ass. If you create a post, do it without links to explain it. Use your words like a god damned adult.
I hope your thread fails.

Attached: nicholas sage.png (500x689, 159.22K)

Even though blacks make up 7% of the Oscar nominations, they make up 100% of the assaults at the event.

Attached: 7percent.png (590x463, 72.12K)

>do it without links
literally what, fuck off cunt

the jap translations makes it all the much better

I'm serious, the reactions from everyone in the crowd are too surprised.

Also, this is too risky to fake because it's black on black.

I'm just sad to see Any Forums, who only a few years ago would be lapping this shit up for what it is, is being subverted like facebook normies by shills to believe that this was orchestrated to distract people from Ukraine. Who cares about fucking Ukraine? Who ever did?

This is proof that no matter the class, a nigger is an emotionally unstable animal.

I'm sorry. You're right.

s h i l l s

You're a lazy piece of shit, user.

Don't be daft. Organic or not the loss of the Petro Dollar, thus world reserve currency status is causing a lot of very wealthy and deadly men to lose sleep. A fight is easily faked if you don't have to severely injure your opponent. Fake wrestling does it all the time and they even cut themselves for more realism. Besides, it was a righteous slap all the same. Rock earned that one in spades.


here, im sure you want one from jootube

Lazy OP faggot bitch.

Use your words like an adult, you simple cunt.

I srsly don't know what you want from me.

It's likely not fake but it doesn't have a racial element to it.
It's likely not fake and you can't slide something that hard anyways.

He should be more worried about what’s in his wife’s mouth

lurk 2 years before posting faggot

>hears joke
>smiles and laughs
>something happens.jpg
>nigger has now been instructed to assault the other nigger
if you think this isn't staged, you are a robot

Turns out that nice black role model from the 90s is just a nigger.

You don't put up a link to someone else's video with zero description of what the thread is about. You're expecting people to do homework before jumping into the discussion? There is no discussion without a point, and I'm not watching your videos first. If YOU have a point to convey, then YOU have the duty to uses YOUR words to convey that point. Yes, typing is required. If you want to add a video for those who THEN want to look into it further, do so then. I shouldn't have to watch shit to get to the point of a thread. You don't even deserve this attention I'm giving you now, but I'm hoping against hope that ONE of you fucking idiots who post ONLY a video to talk about realize how fucking idiotic it is. You are lazy as fuck. STOP IT!

I lurked 2 years before you were born, cunt

back 2 reddit fag

Suck my fat American cock, poutine face.

Why are MUTTS flooding our board with this TRASH?!

OP Ain't real. BOT THREAD Error: You must wait 1 second before posting a reply.
Any Forums Pass users have lower cooldowns.

>muh dick
sorry i meant back to worldstarhiphop nigger

>I'm serious, the reactions from everyone in the crowd are too surprised.
why would the crowd be in on it? fucking moron.