Any Forums reduced to talking about the fucking Oscars

>Any Forums reduced to talking about the fucking Oscars.

I knew this place wasn't what it use to be but shit.

Attached: 1638647843435.jpg (366x488, 26.13K)

Roll with it. It's just for a day, user

Die kike

>use to be
used to be
also reddit spacing
this is me being as annoying as your thread

suck it incel

>kike triggered

>American posters wake up
>Suddenly this board becomes shittier and near unbrowsable
Who could've guessed...still maybe a blessing in disguise, I leave this board to do other things like getting Any Forums and reading books before bed. Then I wake up when the americans are asleep and it's mostly European posters.

I counted 28 threads about it earlier.

Wonder why it's grabbed Any Forums's attention? I've got some idea.

Attached: 1637077055630.gif (400x213, 2.74M)

>Reddit spacing?


It's about a magical nigger slapping another magical nigger. And you know what America revolves around...

American posters are pretty good. I reckon a lot of them are Journos and Law Enforcement expressing frustration.

Attached: 65641_1.12.jpg (1000x1000, 185.11K)

Poor baby, is his little gay secret club talking about things other than BBC worship and Trannies?

Truly a shame.

>I reckon a lot of them are Journos and Law Enforcement expressing frustration.
True, but there are so many of them that are spics with a braindead IQ, it makes me leave the board almost everytime.

It's just a marketing because their Oscar event is losing its viewers. Not sure why did they think this is going to revive shitty awards event.

One more thing to prove that this is only a marketing trick...
Go to any other board and you'll see it for yourself. The whole Any Forums is flooded by a slap.

He was def a hero, stopping the evil nazis and saving the jews or something like that

But it's not just with this specific instance. Any Forums in general has become more and more just another "social media" if you will. Throw in that it's even becoming less nationalist/natsoc or even civnat and just moving to flat out RNC surface level "blue team vs red team" shit and Any Forums will be near indistinguishable in the next few years.

lurk more faget

of course. it was the bitch slap heard around the world

Attached: pursuit of slappyness.jpg (551x381, 31.13K)

eat shit

Walls of text remind me of your mum's unshaven funt

we're merely human and rich niggers fighting on tv is irresistible

you're still reddit spacing lol
homo polish retard

Nigger worship is an integral part of American culture.

By volume like 15% of Any Forums users are twitter/discord/reddit shills that come here to deliberately shit up the board

Is that a photo from Pacific theater or Korean war?