Thread theme:

>Russia pegs Ruble to gold
>requires sales of oil be settled in Rubles
>Europe is mostly dependent on Russian oil
>European central banks sell their gold to Russia for oil
>central banks begin selling off USD reserves to buy more gold
>those dollars begin to circulate in America
>Americans drowned in a tidal wave of cash
Why aren't you buying gold right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>requires sales of oil be settled in Rubles
G7 autistically shit their pants and refused this
So, pretty much, the deadline of March 31st will be fun


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WOW, this would be good for Russia, maybe USA can do the same.

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>Why aren't you buying gold right now?
Biden will just authorize an EO to take all gold from Americans and give them worthless jew money.

Irony is the word of the day here.

/SETF/ has been preaching preparedness forever.
We get banned for off topic and attacked by shills and kikes nonstop but isn't it ironic how pol is never wrong.

The 31st will be a monumental day like Bretton woods, or the day the FED was created but the normies don't even know what CBDC'S are or care.

2 years ago I told my boss I'm not ever taking a vax or wearing a mask because COVID-19 doesn't exist and he laughed at me. He said why are you choosing this hill to die on? And I said because I cannot live a lie to be fed from a tyrants hand.

God is good and provides to those who trust in providence from on high. This has been the largest in testing In human history and many have failed miserably.

The testing isn't over, anyone who turns from degeneracy and vices back to honor and morality will be spared. The time is now, this is not an drill.

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crypto nerds will seethe

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post you're yfw when the fake economy implodes and precious metals and other commodities moon

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oh, you mean gold was just reclassified from a tier 3 to a tier 1 asset?

ohhh you mean central banks now have to have tangible gold? while some central banks have been trying to push back this change

>so gold if fixed
>ruble is now fixed to gold
>ENTER digital ruble on blockchain

I now have a commodity (oil) backed by a money currency (gold) pegged to a national currency (Ruble) pegged to a new digital currency

What if Putin just made petrorublegold?

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>gold was just reclassified from a tier 3 to a tier 1 asset?
>Putin just made petrorublegold?
Yup :)

Fucking idiot.

>Russia pegs Ruble to gold
Nobody want's rubles, Russia ends up losing all its gold too.

We all banded together to impose sanctions, now let's all band together and force Putin to sell Russia's low quality crude oil for petrodollars.

Russia has a huge stockpile of gold. America's gold is basically been a giant disinfo campaign, protecting a pile of tungsten blocks with tanks and razor wire and not letting anybody in congress inspect the "gold" other than showing them a few bars in a narrow hallway.
Its worse than China's past fake gold controversy scandal.

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>We all banded together to impose sanctions
>We all banded together to ensure Europe freezes and starves this winter
cope a little harder

>America has no gold
Exactly. Anyone with even a few ounces of gold is going to be head and shoulders above everyone else.

user, you know sometimes you're watching something, and you see all the big pieces off in the distance, and you're like...

> no way

and then all the pieces get closer and closer and you're looking around, and a couple other peolpe are noticing, but still not that many
you start to think
>am i the schizo (probably)

and then well shit time keeps going on and all these really big obvious in plain site pieces start to coalesce and you're actually like
> is this shit actually fucking happening

is it finally happening user - I've been watching for years

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inb4 jannies delete this thread

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The reality of a commodity-pegged currency, is that people can exchange their rubles for Russian gold. So why wouldn't they? And the longer the war drags on, the more money Putin pours into Guns Not Butter, the farther and faster the ruble will plunge. That's the fastest way to lose all your gold.

I'm guessing that Soros is about make Russia pay for this massive financial mistake.

solid gold~

>the more money Putin pours into Guns Not Butter, the farther and faster the ruble will plunge
That's not how inflation works. Inflation is the expansion of the currency supply, then the law of supply and demand drives prices up when they're denominated in that currency. Pegging their currency to gold will halt inflation dead in its tracks.

Lol. Half of their gold got stolen by Switzerland

>Russia has a huge stockpile of gold.
2300 tons. That's less than $200 billion.

Russia is easily spending $10 billion per day on their spree of crimes against humanity. It's cutting corners by not paying troops, withholding their rations, supplies and ammunition, and not servicing damaged vehicles and equipment in the field. By capturing abandoned Russian gear, Ukrainians now have more tanks, AK-47s, ordnance and artillery than when Putin's invasion started.

>Russia is easily spending $10 billion per day on their spree of crimes against humanity.
The USA still supports the war in yemen, their occupation of syria, their continued military support of Ukraine and their silent war against iran by funding islamic terror groups.
We're still here.

It’s a good feeling. I’d feel even better if I hadn’t lost that gold and silver in a tragic boating accident, but having been right seven years ago feels good.
>tfw silver ~$13/oz
>tfw gold ~$1,250/oz

The Fed stores over 8000 tons of fine investment quality gold. That's roughly an ounce per citizen. 12% of the US population owns significant gold investments, and additional $80 billion or so.

We are swimming in gold. Up to our ears in in it. Now that Putin is so desperately trying to jack the gold price up to finance his war crimes, he's making all of us even richer than ever.

Yeah. Except Russia has an actual economy where they make things/dig things out of the earth that everyone wants to buy. Besides some oil and food, the only thing the US can export is dollars. An asset everyone in the world is currently planning on how to escape with the least collateral damage possible. Good luck, Jew shill. You’re gonna need it.