No inflation thread? Please, allow me

Inflation is caused by too much money creation.

Over 95% of the money supply is created out of thin air by private banks when they issue loans.

Therefore, the bank-controlled money scam is responsible for inflation, hyperinflations, recessions, and depressions.

Attached: banks cause inflation.jpg (678x348, 67.26K)

Fuck off kike, central banks controlling interest rates and quantitative easing is THE source of inflation.

In 2014, Professor Richard Werner proved that over 95% of the money supply is created by private banks.

Banks create new digital money in their computers AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract.

Too much money creation by banks causes financial instability, like inflation and hyperinflations.

proofs galore at:
bank LIES dot ORG

Attached: richard werner portrait.jpg (333x486, 57.49K)

>when they issue loans the interest rate set by the fed. Go be a retarded nigger somewhere else.

>a kike
Get the fuck off Any Forums


The US Treasury admits that in the USA, all money is created by private banks.

Lots more proofs at:
bank LIES dot ORG

Attached: Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif (1206x1473, 535.79K)

You are a dim wit. The bank-owned Fed sets ONE interest rate out of THOUSANDS that has little effect on bank lending.

For example, the 30 year mortgage rate DOUBLED in the past two years while the Fed funds rate remained near ZERO.

>The US Treasury admits
>'s not our fault for shitting up the fiat currency goyim, blame your local community goyim owned bank

>Fed sets ONE interest rate
Which cascades and controls literally every other interest rate. FUCK OFF JEW

Even the stodgy Library of Congress admits that banks create new digital money out of thin air when they lend.

Proofs upon proofs available at:
bank LIES dot ORG

Attached: Library of Congress money creation admission 1983.jpg (1700x2200, 434.83K)

It's called (((Fractional Reserve))) faggot, and yes that too is a jewish concept to create a debt spiral so banker kikes get free shit for nothing.

Then why wasn't there 7% inflation between 2010 and 2020? Were the private banks less greedy?

Gee why do they create so many loans? Is it because the interest rate on those loans is zero? It seems like they'd be more careful about lending money if there were any costs associated with lending it.

Here's a 1966 admission by the NY Fed:

"In the communist countries, money is created in the same way as in the Capitalist countries -- through the extension of bank credit."

Banks create almost all money when they lend. Since inflation is due to an increase in the money supply, private banks are the culprit.

bank LIES dot ORG

Attached: 2 Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe 1966 Fed Admission.jpg (2482x1224, 585.73K)

mutts everyone

The Fractional Reserve model is a hoax that hasn't existed in at least 100 years.

Banks simply create 100% new money out of nothing when they lend to borrowers, with no need for prior deposits or reserves.

Richard Werner proved this empirically in 2014.

Attached: bank of england money creation PAINT.png (1674x1216, 87.32K)

The official inflation numbers are rigged and phony, so I wouldn't count on them.

The debt levels and money supply levels have been surging for a long time.

The question you should be asking is this: WHERE DOES ALL THE NEW MONEY COME FROM THAT CAUSES PRICES TO RISE?

I already gave the answer: PRIVATE BANKS create over 95% of the money supply.

Attached: bathtub banker bankLIES title.jpg (2304x3320, 1.94M)

Nope. Go find a chart of credit card interests rates and 30 year mortgage rates and compare them to the Fed Funds rate.

ZERO correlation!

Banks create new digital money out of thin air and lend at whatever rates they want.

Go search some charts on google images and see for yourself. I will forgive you.

Banks loan at whatever rates they want. The Fed Funds Rate set by the Fed doesn't force banks to do anything.

For example, after the housing bust in 2010, the Fed Funds rate dropped to near ZERO like it is today.

But commercial lending rates went UP instead of down.

you retards are arguing over an agreement and its beautiful

>The official inflation numbers are rigged and phony, so I wouldn't count on them.
Uh huh. Was there LESS inflation before 2020 or more? If so what caused the chage? Something happened in 2020, what was it?

Define inflation: are talking increase in money supply or price increases?

I have a decent stack of silver so I'm not too worried.

Nah, the fed prints money as part of many scams too.