Why does Russia look like a 3rd world shithole?

Why does Russia look like a 3rd world shithole?

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>blue yellow twister game mat
sorry thats ukraine

Communism, Oligarchs. Really that's just it.

go back to being an hikikomori and ensuring your birth rate continues to plummet.

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this happens every spring, after a month they usually clean it

Because it's a third world, shithole user

>10k per capita gdp
>1/5 exposed to HIV
>1/4 has drug resistant TB
>male life expectancy 69 years
>rampant alcoholism
>rampant heroin addiction

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honestly doesn't look too bad
just some garbage
America looks way worse

You can find this kind of shit in literally every country on earth, i piss on you.

go back relying on your welfare lazy fat nigger

At least Putin can buy apartments in London for his gymnast girlfriend while Vasily is dying in Ukraine

Excuse me but the correct term is "second world shithole"

The psycho wojak has to be the cringiest thing (excluding kekistan) that this website has created recently

Kek, there are towns in here that look just like that.

>faggot flag
Where nigger?

Why are you posting pictures of Detroit?

Russians aren't white.


Third world shitholes include countries like switzerland, sweden, finland and austria

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in LGBTland?

Probably India.

imagine living in the white terrace apartment, warm and stocked up with all kinds of junk food, calmly letting the light of the monitor absorb you into a different virtual world of WoW, while rain pours over the shithole that is all around you on the outside, in the middle of the midnight, splashing all over it into a thin cloud of mist and a smell of muddy wet concrete

you need to take a break for five minutes and proceed to go out to the terrace to meet the cold wet outside, a sight of rusty metal doors attached to concrete garage blocks and a couple of metal-roofed sheds next to them, the sheet metal type, all of them being hit simultaneously by the drops in a symphony of poverty and collapse, illuminated by the one working street light next to them, and then you just close the door, walk along the warm persian rug and go back to playing WoW

this was my childhood

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Looks like eureka, ca

shhhhhh it's okay, calm down. some people genuinely need a social safety net, it's okay to not understand the nuances of different people's situations. is it a perfect system? no, but the main demographic that benefit from welfare are single women.

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Nice try, meme flag. That's Baltimore, USA.

I lived in a district that looked almost exactly like that, it's super comfy in summer when trees bloom, grass grows and shit is cleaned after the spring.

Well... why does the US in a lot of places?

Extreme inequality is a hell of a drug.

this thread is stupid because you can easily find any picture from any are to confirm a bias. Russia is massive and diverse geographically, just like the US. I always find it hilarious when my European friends are unable to comprehend the scale of the US. Where I live, you could drive for 7 hours and still not even be nearly halfway through the state.


Why do you think hitler wanted to wipe out the slavs? They're niggers in mentality and actions.

are you fucking serious
the only thing that's explained by winter is dead grass and that pile of snow
everything is dilapidated and degenerates live there. Why? Because trash is outside of containers. You can be poor and unable to afford renovation, but that doesn't excuse just throwing stuff on the ground


What's with chinks always bringing up Hitler.

when I visited Kyiv, the people collecting the garbage were dressed like medical staff in PPE. In regular neighborhoods, similar to russia, garbage collection is dependent on how hungover the sanitation department is.

Why does America look like 3rd world shithole?

Attached: AmericanRuins.jpg (1540x1155, 795.76K)

Does Russia have this problem?

Attached: download (38).jpg (2048x1365, 476.15K)

Because it is

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Some little shit occasionally falls out of the container and it gets burrowed under the snow. When it melts everything comes out at once and produces a big pile

I believe you, it's not like Ukraine was a civilized country, but they were slowly westernizing.

this is because tanks are not always changed on time, not because we want put it outside

Ukraine in 2015 was worlds ahead of Ukraine in 1999.

Not rare to find this sight in Sweden or Germany.

no, they live in houses from OP pic


In the more diverse areas for sure.

looks like ukraine tho